UFC Hidalgo Results: Evan Dunham defeats Rick Glenn
A lightweight bout between Evan Dunham and Rick Glenn took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 94 main card in Hidalgo, Texas.

Round one begins and Glenn quickly takes the center of the cage and lands a front kick to body of Evan. Dunham fires back with a combination and lands a big left hand. Evan presses forward and lands a nice knee to the body of Glenn. Dunham shoots in and scores a double leg takedown. He begins working from the full guard of Rick Glenn. Dunham lands some shots to the body. He transitions to half guard and locks in a choke. Glenn is able to fight off the submission attempt and gets back to full guard. Dunham with a couple of big shots from the top. Evan lands back-to-back hard elbows and follows those up with a hard right hand. Glenn scrambles and gives up his back. Evan wastes no time taking the back position and working some short shots. Dunham locks in a rear-naked choke. Glenn somehow fights through the submission attempt. Unbelievable that he was able to survive that choke. Dunham still has his back but only 20-seconds remain. Glenn scrambles and gets back to half guard position. He lands some elbows from the bottom as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Rick Glenn and Evan Dunham each land solid left hands to start. Dunham shoots in and scores another takedown. He immediately transitions to side control and locks in a choke. Glenn rolls and escapes the submission, getting back to his feet in the process. Dunham quickly presses Glenn against the cage and works some short shots and knees to the body. Evan is searching for a trip. It is not there so he goes back to working some knees inside. Glenn breaks free and circles away. Dunham attempts a head kick but it is blocked. Rick attempts a leg kick but Evan catches it and takes him back down to the canvas. Glenn pushes Evan off him and jumps back to his feet. The fighters trade punches. Evan connects with a right, then Glenn with a left. The fighters clinch and exchange blows inside. An accidental groin shot connects from Dunham and the ref steps in to let Glenn recover. We restart and Evan charges forward with punches. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Evan presses forward with punches. He ducks under a Glenn right hand and attempts a takedown. Glenn stuffs the attempt against the cage and breaks free. Rick lands a nice counter right hand. Dunham presses Rick back against the fence and works some dirty boxing. Glenn breaks free but not for long. Evan is relentless with his attack. The fighters break and begin trading punches. A big left lands for Glenn. Dunham fires back with a right. They are throwing down. Evan connects with a nice combination. Glenn returns fire with a front kick. Two minutes remain. Evan scores with a nice kick to the body. Both men connect with left jabs. Dunham presses forward with a big combination followed by a head kick that lands flush. Glenn is one tough fighter. He continues to take punishment and just fire right back. Huge shots from both men. Dunham is getting the better of these exchanges. Rick is hurt. Evan comes in for the kill but Glenn survives as round three comes to an end.
UFC Results