UFC on FOX 19 Results: Cub Swanson defeats Hacran Dias via decision
A featherweight bout between Cub Swanson (22-7 MMA) and Hacran Dias (23-4-1 MMA) kicked off the UFC on FOX 19 main card in Tampa.

Round one begins and Dias starts things off with a leg kick. He lands a good right hand on Cub. Swanson misses with a jab to the body. Excellent leg kick scores for Swanson. Dias with a good left hand. Nice leg kick from Hacran. Dias with a nice leaping right. A leg kick scores for Cub. Dias replies with a leg kick. He follows up with a front kick. Good kick to the body from Cub. Dias fires back with a leg kick. Good combination from Dias. Good body shot from Cub and Dias replies with a leg kick. Nice combo from Dias to end round one.
Round two begins and Cub lands an excellent combo. Dias drops to the ground and Cub rushes in with shots. Hacran is hurt but is able to wrap Cub up in full guard. Swanson working from top control. He’s landing some good lefts. Dias scrambles and gets up to his feet. Cub with a jab to the body. Dias fires back with a leg kick. Nice jab to the body lands for Hacran. Swanson with a front kick to the body. He follows up with a good inside leg kick. Dias with a nice overhand right. Swanson with a big leg kick that drops Dias. Hacran gets up and lands a combo. Swanson with a nice jab. Dias misses with a knee. Another leg kick from Cub and then a left hook. Nice jab from Dias to end round two.
Round three begins and Swanson opens with a jab. Dias with a leg kick. Nice jab from Hacran. Dias engages the clinch with Swanson. They break. Dias misses with a front kick. Cub replies with a jab to the body. Nice hook lands for Dias. Hacran misses with a front kick. Cub with a punch to the body of Dias. Spinning kick from Swanson just misses. Dias comes forward with punches but nothing connects. Good knee from Dias. Swanson with a nice right hand. He lands a head kick and drops Dias. Cub moves in with shots from the top. He moves to half guard. Cub stands up but Dias is still on his back. Upkick from Dias. Good shot to the body and then a right hand from Cub. Round three comes to an end.
Cub Swanson defeats Hacran Dias via decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
UFC Results