UFC on FOX 19 Results: Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos TKO’s Omari Akhmedov in round 3
A welterweight bout between Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos (15-5 MMA) and Omari Akhmedov (15-4 MMA) kicked off tonight’s UFC on FOX 19 card in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Round one begins and Akhmedov opens with a jab that misses. Dos Santos and Akhmedov exchange leg kicks. Big right hand just misses for dos Santos. Akhmedov lands a good shot. Elizeu replies with a leg kick. Akhmedov shoots in and lands a takedown. Dos Santos with a heel hook attempt and uses it to take top control. The Brazilian moves to halfguard and Akhmedov locks up a kimura. It is tight but dos Santos is able to roll and escape. Back on their feet and dos Santos eats a solid jab. He responds with a heavy leg kick on the lead leg of the Russian fighter. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and dos Santos and Akhmedov exchange leg kicks. Big shots from dos Santos drops Akhmedov. The Russian jumps back up and lands a takedown. Big shots from Akhmedov but dos Santos fights his way back to his feet. Another huge leg kick lands for dos Santos. Nice left hand from Akhmedov. These guys are trading now. The fighters clinch and dos Santos lands a knee. Akhmedov shoots in and lands a good takedown. Dos Santos with a heel hook attempt and once again scrambles to wind up in top position. Akhmedov fights his way back to his feet. Spinning back fist attempt from the Russian fighter. Good kicks to the body from dos Santos. The Brazilian shoots in for a single leg but is unable to complete the takedown. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Akhmedov shoots in for a takedown but eats a knee for his efforts. Good shot and then an elbow by dos Santos. The Brazilian is moving forward and applying the pressure. Good body kick from dos Santos. Nice leg kick from Akhmedov. dos Santos responds with a big right hand and then a knee. They clinch up and dos Santos lands a big elbow. Akhmedov respond with a knee. Another huge right scores for dos Santos. Akhmedov is in trouble. Another huge right from dos Santos. He follows up with knees and some shots to the body. Another knee and another from dos Santos. The referee steps in and calls it.
dos Santos defeats Omari Akhmedovat via TKO at 3:03 of round three
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