UFC on FOX 20 Results: Valentina Shevchenko defeats Holly Holm via decision
A key women’s bantamweight bout between former title holder Holly Holm and Valentina Shevchenko served as the main event of tonight’s UFC on FOX 20 card in Chicago.

Round one begins and Holm starts things off with a leg kick. Shevchenko replies with a leg kick of her own. Holm with a nice front kick to the thigh of Valentina. Both women exchange leg kicks. Holm misses with a head kick. She follows up with a nice leg kick. Shevchenko with a leg kick and then a right hook. Holm with a brutal right hand that drops Valentina. Shevchenko pops right back to her feet and lands a leg kick on Holly. Holm with a jab and Shevchenko responds with a short right hook. Holly is pressing the action here. Nice jab from Valentina. Both fighters exchange kicks. Valentina presses forward and lands a takedown. Holly gets right back to her feet and they clinch against the cage. Nice knee to the body from Holm and another. She is peppering Valentina with knees. They break and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and both women are happy to trade kicks to start. Valentina misses with an axe kick. Holm lands a push kick to the body. Holly goes upstairs with a kick but misses. Valentina shoots in for a takedown. It is not there. Holly presses her against the fence and begins working some knees. They break and Shevchenko lands a jab and then a counter hook as Holly comes in. Holm misses with a high kick but lands a leg kick. Nice push kick to the body from Holm. Valentina lands a left hand and then a nice leg kick. Holly with a leg kick of her own. She pumps the jab and forces Shevchenko to retreat. Good jab from Shevchenko. Holm lands a nice leg kick and then another. Shevchenko replies with a nasty leg kick of her own.
Round three begins and both fighters trade kicks to start. Nice jab from Holly. She is pressing the action now. Shevchenko replies with a leg kick as Holly comes in. Another nice leg kick from Valentina. She shoots in and takes Holly down. Holm gets back to her feet and presses Shevchenko against the fence. Valentina is able to score a trip and takes Holly back down. Shevchenko is working from half guard now. A minutes passes with Valentina on top but not much action is happening. The crowd boos. Nice elbows from Valentina and Holly is busted up. Holm is bleeding out of her right eye. Some short shots from Shevchenko to end round three.
Round four begins and Holly lands a nice push kick. Shevchenko replies with a nasty leg kick. Both women miss with attempted hooks. Valentina with a nice left hand. Shevchenko just misses with a wheel kick. Holly misses with a leg and Valentina tags her with a combination. Another nice combo from Shevchenko. Holly is having a hard time connecting. She just can’t seem to find her range. Shevchenko is countering beautifully. Valentina shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Nice leg kick and then a body kick from Holm. Holy lands a left hook over the top and follows up with a leg kick. Shevchenko lands a jab and then a kick to the leg. Holm with a nice body kick. Valentina responds with a kick and then another. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and Holm lands a jab and then a leg kick. Nice counter right from Valentina. Nice left hand from Shevchenko. Holly lands a leg kick. Holm is pressing forward but struggling to find her range. Good shots from both women. Holly with a nice kick to the body. Valentina with a nice inside leg kick. Shevchenko with a right hook. Holm with back-to-back kicks. Shevchenko misses with a super man punch. Excellent leg kick from Holm. Shevchenko with a beautiful counter right. Another big leg kick from Holly. 90 seconds left in the fight. Another nice kick from Holm. Holly is pressing the action. She eats a counter right hand. Holm continues to press forward. She knows this fight is very close. Shevchenko with a leg kick. Holm replies with one of her own. The horn sounds and this one is over.
Shevchenko defeats Holm via decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46)
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