UFC on FOX 21 Results: Jim Miller defeats Joe Lauzon via split-decision
A lightweight rematch between veterans Joe Lauzon and Jim Miller kicked off tonight’s UFC on FOX 21 main card in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Round one begins and Lauzon presses forward with a front kick. Both men exchange combinations early. Miller lands a nice body kick. Lauzon shoots in and attempts a heel hook. It is not there. The fighters stand back up and begin trading punches. Lauzon presses Miller against the fence. Jim lands some knees to the body of Joe and they break. Miller presses forward with punches. Lauzon fires back with a left hook. Joe lands a right hand and presses Miller against the fence. Jim lands a big knee inside. The fighters break. Joe shoots in and lands a takedown. He moves to half guard. Lauzon with some nice shots form the top. 90 seconds remain. Miller is able to scramble and get back up to his feet. Both men trade some solid shots. Miller lands a nice left hook. Lauzon presses forward but eats a counter shot. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and the fighters touch gloves. Miller comes forward with punches. Lauzon fires back with a right. Joe presses forward and lands a nice combo. Miller replies with a kick and then a knee. Both men are standing and trading. Miller with a big kick to the body. Lauzon lands a nice jab. The fighters stand and trade shots. Jim with a nice right jab. Joe presses forward but eats a counter shot. Lauzon replies with a nice right of his own. Lauzon with a good jab. Miller fires some shots to the body. Lauzon is able to score a takedown and winds up in half guard. Joe looks for a kimura but lets it go. Miller tries to attempt a triangle choke but it is not there. Good short elbows from Lauzon. Miller fires back with some elbows from the bottom. More nice shots from the top by Joe. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Miller comes forward with a left that misses. He lands a nice uppercut and then a knee. Miller is unloading on Lauzon here. Joe survives the onslaught. Joe with a nice uppercut. He presses forward. Miller is taking some deep breaths. Joe is pressing the action now. He shoots in and land a takedown. He quickly moves to half guard. Joe is looking to trap an arm. He is unable to do so but lands a couple of nice shots from the top. Miller is looking to stand back up. He does but Joe has his back. Miller scrambles and breaks free. Lauzon lands a jab and then a shot to the body of Miller. Joe presses Jim against the fence. Miller looks to go for a throw but Lauzon isn’t having it and winds up in top position on the ground. Lauzon works some short shots. He moves to mount and attempts an armbar. The horn sounds to end round three.
Miller defeats Lauzon via split-decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
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