UFC on FOX 22 Results: Leslie Smith defeats Irene Aldana (Highlights)
A women’s bantamweight bout between Leslie Smith and Irene Aldana kicked off the UFC on FOX 22 prelims on FS1.

Round one begins and Smith pumps and early jab while taking the center of the octagon. She comes forward and lands a left. The women stand and exchange. Aldana with a crisp jab. Smith is utilizing a lot of forward pressure here. She lands a nice combination. Aldan retreats and circles out. Irene steps in and lands a left and then a kick. Smith goes upstairs and partially lands a head kick. Aldana circles and lands a counter right. Smith continues her forward pressure and drops Aldana with a right hand. She follows up with some ground and pound but Aldana survies and gets back to her feet. Irene fires off a left that rocks Smith. Both women stand and trade. Leslie comes forward with a combination and Aldana looks to be hurt again. Smith has her pressed up against the fence. Irene circles away and lands a nice leg kick. Smith with a right. Aldana replies with a left. Irena with a nice combination. Smith replies with a counter right. Aldana replies with a low kick. Lots of action here. Aldana circles out but Smith catches her with a body kick. Aldan fires back with a low kick. Smith lands a hard combination. She charges forward with more punches as round one comes to an end.
How did Irene Aldana survive that from @LeslieSmith_GF at #UFCSacramento?! pic.twitter.com/wHTRq37JuL
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) December 17, 2016
Round two begins and Smith paws with her jab early. She charges forward with a combination but eats a low kick from Irene. Aldana slips and flurry and circles out. Smith with a nice leg kick. She lands a left jab and presses forward. Another nice left from Smith. Aldana counters with a right hand. Smith with a front kick that partially lands. She charges forward with a flurry but Irene is able to block the strikes. Another front kick from Smith. Aldana utilizes a spinning elbow. Smith eats it and charges forward with some punches in bunches. Aldana circles out and lands a right jab followed by a kick to the body. Smith charges forward and presses Aldana against the cage. She lands an uppercut. Aldana replies with a right and circles away. Smith charges forward with a combo but eats a big right hand from Irene. Smith takes the blow and throws a low kick. Aldana presses forward with a left and then a big right. She is landing. Smith looks to be hurt. Aldana with all kinds of pressure here. She lands another hard shot. Smith circles out and then presses forward with a combo that ends in a body shot. Aldana circles out and ducks under a punch. Smith with a body kick and then a right hand to close out an action packed round two.
Round three begins and the women instantly begin trading punches. Leslie comes forward with punches but Aldana avoids the shots and circles out. Leslie misses with a high kick but scores with a spinning back kick. Aldana with a low kick and Smith responds with one of her own. Leslie is walking down Irene here. She charges forward with punches and presses Aldana against the fence. Smith unleashes a flurry of punches. Aldana ducks out of the way and circles off the cage. Both women land hard jabs in the center of the octagon. Leslie charges forward again but Aldana circles out. Irene is using a lot of movement but Smith continues to just chase her down and unload shots. Smith lands a right and then a body kick. Irene circles out and fires off a low kick. Both women exchange jabs. Smith again with the forward pressure and lands a body kick followed by a right hook. A nice body shot scores for Leslie. Irene circles out and lands a low kick. Leslie goes to the body with a shot and then a high kick. Aldana shoots in and scores a takedown. She lands a shot while Smith is getting back to her feet. Leslie eats it and then proceeds to chase her down with more shots. The horn sounds to end round three. What a fight!
Pressure from @LeslieSmith_GF! #UFCSacramento pic.twitter.com/NXMA2h28XA
— UFC (@ufc) December 17, 2016
UFC Results