UFC Sioux Falls Results: Keita Nakamura submits Kyle Noke
A welterweight bout between Keita Nakamura and Kyle Noke took place at tonight’s UFC Fight Night event in Sioux Falls.

Kyle Noke found a home for his jab in the opening minute but Nakamura was able to take the early punishment. Noke with some good kicks to the body and the legs of Nakamura. Kyle with is still using his jab effectively. Keita responds with a nice hook. He misses with a front kick. Noke is circling and landing kicks when the opportunity presents itself. Nakamura lands a head kick and then a left hand. Noke wit a kick to the body of Keita. Nakamura responds with a nice combination. Kyle shoots in and lands a takedown. Keita quickly gets back to his feet. Noke misses with a combo but lands a back fist. He circles away and then lands a nice front kick when Nakamura comes in. The fighters trade punches to end round one.
Round two begins and Noke misses with a head kick. Keita lands a beautiful combination. Nakamura with a good leg kick. Noke responds with a punch. Kyle is using some good movement and countering well with jabs but Keita is still coming forward without hesitation. Both fighters are landing shots now. Nakamura with back-to-back body kicks. He lands a nice combination. Noke can’t get away from him. Keita still pressing forward, Noke shoots in and lands a takedown. Keita gets back to his feet but Kyle has his back. Good knees from Noke. The fighters break. Nakamura is instantly back to applying the pressure. He lands a good body shot on the Aussie. A big knee lands and drops Noke. Keita comes in with punches. He is unloading here. Keita switches to the back and forces Noke to tapout to a rear-naked choke with only one second remaining.
UFC Results