UFN 83 Results: Derek Brunson TKO’s Roan Carneiro in round one
A middleweight bout between Derek Brunson (15-3 MMA) and Roan Carneiro (20-10 MMA) served as the co-main event of ‘UFC Fight Night 83’ tonight in Pittsburgh.
Round one begins and Brunson throws a leg kick that misses. Another leg kick attempt misses for Brunson and Carneiro presses forward with punches, nothing lands flush however. Good left hand from Brunson. Roan comes in with a good kick. Both fighters throw some bombs but nothing finds a home. Carnerio with a huge swing and a miss and ends up on the ground. Brunson with some heavy ground and pound. Huge shots. The referee finally steps in and it is all over.
Derek Brunson defeats Roan Carneiro via TKO at 2:38 in round one
UFC Fight Night 83 UFC Results