UFN 84 Results: Michael Bisping shocks the world and defeats “The Spider”
The main event of UFC Fight Night 84 in London featured former UFC middleweight champion Anderson “The Spider” Silva (33-7 MMA) taking on hometown hero and perennial contender Michael “The Count” Bisping (29-7 MMA).

Round one begins and Bisping presses forward with a jab. Anderson is circling. Michael throws a head kick but just misses. Leg kick from Bisping partially lands. Silva is using a lot of movement. Bisping is coming forward and lands a hook and then a jab. Nice kicks from Bisping score. Good right hand and then a leg kick by “The Count”. Anderson responds with a front kick. Bisping misses with a high kick. Silva comes forward but Bisping backs him up. Another head kick and then a right hand by Bisping. Silva looks a little frustrated. Nice shot by Bisping. Anderson is walking him down though. Leg kicks form Silva. Bisping replies with one oh his own. Good left and then a right by Bisping. Anderson counters with a shot of his own. Bisping moves forward and lands a shot to the body. He misses with a high kick. Good right hand by Bisping. Anderson got clipped. Wow. Silva fires back and the horn sounds.
Round two begins and Bisping is moving forward to start. He lands a combo and pushes Silva against the fence. Nice shots from Michael. Anderson’s hands are down. Completely down. Wow. Bisping walks backward. The fighters decide to get back to work. Good jab from Silva backs up Bisping. “The Count” with a front kick and a follow-up jab. Excellent footwork by both men. Nice left hook lands for Bisping. Silva presses forward. He lands a nice right. Bisping answers with a jab. Anderson Silva is getting ‘cocky’ in there. Good leg kick from “The Spider”. Bisping answers back with two of his own. And another. Nice jabs by Michael. Huge left hand from Bisping. Anderson is down. Michael follows him to the floor and begins landing shots from the top. Anderson is 10 seconds from the bell and gets there.
Round three begins and Bisping opens with a leg kick attempt that misses. Right hand from Silva. Anderson’s hands are now up. Bisping with a leg kick. Anderson some with some fancy head movement and then a leg kick. Nice jab from the hometown hero. Back to back legs kicks score for “The Count”. Nice jab from Bisping. He is really dealing out the shots tonight. The fighters trade kicks and then left hooks. Anderson moves forward and lands a right hand. Nice body kick by Bisping. Silva with a head kick that partially lands. Nice combination from Bisping. The Englishman is utilizing a ton of volume. Good short right hand for Michael. Silva responds with a good right. Silva is trying to get fancy while pressing forward. Bisping lands punches however. Good jab by Michael. Silva with a body kick. Another left from Bisping. Silva answers with a knee and then a right hand. Anderson has Bisping hurt. Huge flying knee lands for Silva. Anderson thinks he has won. But the bell sounded. The fight is not over however.
Round four begins and Bisping still looks rocked. He’s pressing forward though. Silva is circling looking to counter. Body kick from Anderson. And another. Good jab scores for Bisping. He’s pressing the action and lands some shots. Groin shot scores for Silva and the referee calls a stop in the action so Mike can recover. Bisping is ok and we restart. Bisping moving forward with shots. Anderson is eating them but Mike is relentless. Good lefts from Bisping. Silva with a jab. More shots from Michael. He is working Anderson with shots against the fence. Head kick attempt by Bisping. Anderson gets away from the cage and lands a body kick. Bisping with more punches in bunches. Accidental eye poke by Bisping. Herb Dean stops the fight briefly. Silva is ok and we restart the action after a lengthy break. Good leg kick and a jab score for “The Count”. Front kick lands for Silva. Nice left hand from Bisping. Michael is forcing the action. Good shot to the body by Bisping. He goes upstairs. Anderson now pushing forward. He lands two punches. Bisping with a right hand in return. Good shot by Silva. He just misses with an elbow. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and Silva starts by pawing his jab. He throws a high kick that is partially blocked by Bisping. Good punches and a kick from Bisping. Big head kick partially lands for Silva. Anderson is looking good herer. Nice shot from Bisping. Herb Dean stops the action so the referee can check the cut. Bisping says he is good and we restart. Nice jab from Silva. Bisping presses forward with punches. Huge front kick lands for Silva on the chin. Big knees from Silva. Bisping with some punches from the clinch. Great kick from Silva. Bisping is hanging in there. Silva looks calm. Bisping is bloodied up. Anderson with a right. Bisping with a jab and a leg kick. Another jab and kick by Michael. Silva throws a jab. Bisping with a leg kick. Bisping shoots for a takedown. Silva stuffs it and lands a knee to the body. Nice right hand from Silva. One minute left. Bisping with a leg kick. Silva with a jab. Left jabs by Bisping. The fight ends and we go to decision.
Michael Bisping defeats Anderson Silva via unanimous decision (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)
UFC Results