UFN 87 Results: Rustam Khabilov defeats Chris Wade via decision
A lightweight bout between Rustam Khabilov (20-3 MMA) and Chris Wade (11-2 MMA) took place at today’s UFC Fight Night 87 event in Rotterdam.

Round one begins and Wade opens with a leg kick. He follows up with a push kick to the thigh. Khabilov replies with a kick of his own. The Russian misses with an overhand right. Good leg kick from Wade. Khabilov with a takedown attempt but Wade fights him off. Chris is pumping the jab. He lands a couple of good kicks. Rustam replies with a leg kick.
Wade lands a push kick to the thigh. Khabilov misses with a spinning high kick. Good counter punch from Wade. Khabilov shoots in and scores a takedown. He has the back of Wade. Good shots from the back by Khabilov. He lands a solid hammer fist. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Wade lands a nice left hand. Rustam connects with a jab and then a leg kick. Wade with an amazing head kick that drops Khabilov. Chris rushes in to the ground but Khabilov has recovered and is able to sweep him. He begins working on the back of Wade. Chris rolls and winds up in top position but is caught in a triangle-choke attempt from the Russian. Khabilov gives up on the choke and Wade works from full guard. Wade stands up and the fighters square off. Khabilov with a good flying knee to the body. He shoots in and lands a takedown. Khabilov with some good elbows to end round two.
Round three begins and Khabilov and Wade are trading shots to start. Wade misses with a high kick but lands a jab. Good leg kick from Wade. Khabilov shoots in and lands a big takedown. He gets the back of Wade and begins searching for the rear-naked choke. Wade is defending well. Good shots from the back by the Russian. Wade is trying to escape but Khabilov is all over him. Two minutes remain, and Rustam is landing some big shots. Wade rolls but ends up eating some hammer fists for his efforts. Wade gets up but Khabilov puts him right back down.
Rustam Khabilov defeats Chris Wade via decision
UFC Results