UFN 89 Results: Donald Cerrone TKO’s Patrick Cote
A welterweight bout between former lightweight title challenger Donald Cerrone and former middleweight title challenger Patrick Cote served as the co-main attraction of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 89 event in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Round one begins and Cote opens fire with a leg kick. He follows up with a nice left hand. Cerrone shoots in and lands a big takedown on Patrick. “Cowboy” begins working from full guard. He lands some shots to the body of Cote. Patrick is able to scramble and get back to his feet. Cote with a leg kick. He lands a shot to the body of Cerrone. “Cowboy” returns fire with a kick of his own. A big kick lands for Cerrone. He shoots in and scores a second takedown. Donald is working from half guard now. He takes the back of Cote. He sinks in both hooks. Patrick tries to stand up. Cerrone threatens with a choke which forces Cote back down. Cerrone locks in a body triangle. “Cowboy” is looking for a rear-naked choke. Cote looks for a Kimura. Cerrone escapes and stands up. He kicks the legs of Cote to end round one.
Round two begins and Cote opens up with a kick to the body. Cerrone with a body shot. Cote with another leg kick. Donald with a kick but Cote counters with a right hand. “Cowboy” lands a big combo. “The Predator” with a left hook. Cerrone with a chopping leg kick and another. Cote lands a nice right hand and then a shot to the body. Good exchange from both men. Cote with an uppercut. Cerrone with a leg kick. Cote with a nice kick to the body. Cerrone is walking forward. He lands another leg kick. Cote with a combo that misses. Nice left hand and then a leg kick from Cerrone. A elbow from Donald and then a huge left hand that drops Cote. “Cowboy” with some follow up shots. He lets Cote up. Patrick with a kick. He desperately shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Cote with a leg kick but Cerrone fires back with a front kick, Huge shots from Cerrone now. He is putting it on Cote. Patrick tells him to keep em coming. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Cote will likely need a stoppage to win this fight. Cerrone opens up with a heavy leg kick. Another huge left hand from Cerrone drops Cote. Patrick gets back up. He eats another leg kick from Cerrone. Cote switches his stance. Cerrone with a head kick. He is unloading kicks on Cote. Patrick with a nice right hand. Donald with a front kick. Cote charges forward with shots but nothing lands. Another left hook and then a right hand drops Cote. Cerrone comes in with punches and this one is over.
Donald Cerrone TKO’s Patrick Cote at 2:35 of round two
UFC Results