UFN 89 Results: Olivier Aubin-Mercier submits Thibault Gouti
A lightweight bout between Olivier Aubin-Mercier (9-2 MMA) and Thibault Gouti (11-2 MMA) took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 89 main card in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Round one begins and Gouti lands a jab to start. Aubin-Mercier shoots in for a single leg. It is not there. He presses Gouti against the fence. They break Thibault lands a nice right. Aubin-Mercier shoots in again but can’t grab a hold of the Frenchman. Nice head kick from Olivier. And another. Gouti with a nice jab. Aubin-Mercier with a solid body kick. He shoots in for a double-leg and gets the takedown. He moves to half guard. Olivier with a nice left hand from the top. Gouti is defending well but Aubin-Mercier is smothering him. A nice right hand scores for Olivier. He takes the back of Gouti. He lands some good shots. Aubin-Mercier looks for a leg lock. Gouti winds up on top and lands a big blow. Olivier looks hurt but is able to recover and get back to his feet. Gouti with a nice combo that ends with an uppercut. Aubin-Mercier with a nice high kick. Gouti presses forward with a huge combination. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Aubin-Mercier lands a kick to the body. He looks for a takedown but it is not there. Olivier with a knee. Gouti misses with an uppercut. Olivier with a nice jab. Gouti presses forward with a combo. Aubin-Mercier returns fire with a nice combo of his own. He lands a knee. Gouti with a right hand. Olivier shoots in and lands a takedown. Good short elbows from Aubin-Mercier. Both fighters are landing short shots from the position. Olivier with a big shot. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Aubin-Mercier is able to secure an early takedown. He immediately takes the back of Gouti. He is searching for a rear-naked choke. Aubin-Mercier locks in a body triangle. He lands some shots from the back position. More shots from Olivier. Gouti is defending well so far but he is in a terrible spot. He scrambles. Aubin-Mercier locks in the rear-naked choke. This one is over.
Olivier Aubin-Mercier submits Thibault Gouti via rear-naked choke at 2:28 of round three
UFC Results