UFN 89 Results: Stephen Thompson defeats Rory MacDonald via decision
A welterweight bout between former title challenger Rory MacDonald (18-4 MMA) and top contender Stephen Thompson (13-1 MMA) served as the main event of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 89 card in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Round one begins and both men start slow trying to find their range. Rory shoots in and dives on a leg attempting a rolling heel hook. He almost lands it but Thompson is able to pull his leg out. Back on the feet and “Wonderboy” lands a stiff jab. MacDonald attempts another wild leg sweep. It is not there. He gets back up and lands a jab to the body of Thompson. Stephen fires back with a leg kick. He lands another. Rory with a kick to the body. Thompson with a spinning kick to the body that just misses. Thompson lands a front kick. The fighters clinch and Rory lands an elbow. Thompson pushes Rory against the fence and lands some short punches. Both fighters land shots on the break. MacDonald with a high kick attempt. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Rory throws a front kick. Thompson replies with back to back kicks, one to the leg and one to the body. Rory throws a jab. He is starting to close the distance. “Wonderboy” tries to go upstairs with a kick but it is blocked. Thompson with a leg kick. Rory tries to get the fight to the ground but can’t get Thompson down. Stephen with a hook kick. Rory shoots in and presses Thompson against the cage. A nice elbow from Rory as they break. Rory goes up high with a kick. Thompson blocks it. Stephen steps in with punches. Rory counters with a left. The fighters exchange kicks to end round two.
Round three begins and Thompson lands a nice leg kick. Rory misses with a right but connects with a follow up punch. Stephen circles away. Thompson with a right hand. Rory with a left hook. “Wonderboy” steps forward with punches. He presses Rory against the cage. MacDonald basically pulls guard and attacks with a heel hook. Thompson pulls out and stands back up. MacDonald with a right and then a short left jab. Nice counter left from Rory. Thompson is circling bouncing in and out of range. Rory gets inside and lands an elbow. Thompson with a high kick. Rory with a right hand. Thompson charges forward with a combo. Good kicks from Thompson. Rory with a jab. Another kick from Thompson lands and another. Rory misses with a left hand. Thompson lands a jab. The fighters trade right hands. Rory misses with a front kick. Round three comes to an end.
Round four begins and Rory comes forward with a combo. Nice leg kick from Thompson. He lands a side kick. MacDonald with a right hand. Thompson with a big kick to the body. “wonderboy” lands a jab and then another. Thompson goes low with a kick and Rory misses with a counter right. A good right hand lands for Rory. Thompson with an uppercut and then a nice jab. Stephen lands a kick to the body and then a low kick. Rory has to open up here. He is not throwing enough punches to keep up with Thompson who lands a side kick. A beautiful counter right lands for Thompson. “Wonderboy” is leaping in and out of range while landing counter shots. Rory gets inside and lands an elbow. He will need a lot more of that. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and Rory charges forward with punches. He is going to need a stoppage to win this bout. Thompson with a side kick. Stephen lands a leg kick. Rory charges forward and lands a nice combo. Thompson with a big left. Rory is chasing Thompson down and lands a right hand. Rory with a big combination. Thompson fires back. Rory’s nose is bloodied up. Thompson misses with a spinning round house kick. Rory shoots in for a takedown. It is not there. Thompson ends up in side control. He lands some nice short elbows on the Canadian. Thompson decides to stand back up. Thompson with a high kick that hurts Rory. MacDonald is covering up. His nose is a mess. A big leg kick lands for Thompson. Rory misses with a right and then a left. He connects with a right hook. Rory with a knee. Thompson with a left. Rory is pressing forward. Thompson fires off a combo. This fight comes to an end.
Stephen Thompson defeats Rory MacDonald via decision (50-45, 50-45, 49-46)
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