UFN 89 Results: Joanne Calderwood TKO’s Valerie Letourneau in round three
A women’s flyweight bout between Valerie Letourneau (8-5 MMA) and Joanne Calderwood (11-1 MMA) kicked off the UFC Fight Night 89 main card in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Round one begins and Calderwood opens up with a leg kick. Letourneau returns fire with a punch-kick combo. Calderwood with a leg kick and then a kick to the body. The fighters clinch up. Joanne presses Valerie against the fence. Letourneau spins Calderwood around and lands some knees. Calderwood scores a trip and winds up in top position. Valerie is looking to lock up an armbar. Joanne pulls her arms out. Letourneau with another armbar attempt, she uses the submission to stand back up. Calderwood with a leg kick. The fighters clinch. Valerie with an uppercut. Calderwood with a body kick. Good combination lands for Valerie. Joanne with a front kick. She lands a huge spinning back fist the drops Letourneau. Calderwood rushes in and starts landing bombs. The Canadian is trying to fight back. She gets a hold of Calderwood and is able to recover. Unbelievable heart shown by Valerie here. She is able to get back to her feet. She eats a front kick to the face from Joanne. Calderwood lands a jab. Valerie returns fire with a right hand and then a leg kick. Joanne lands a big right and then an elbow. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Letourneau is able to land a big head kick early. Joanne eats it and appears to be ok. Big combination from Valerie. Calderwood misses with a body kick. Letourneau with a punch and then a jab. Valerie lands another right. Calderwood presses forward and lands a nice combination. Joanne with another good front kick to the face. The fighters exchange rights. Valerie with a leg kick. Calderwood goes to the body. Nice knee from Joanne. Calderwood lands a right and then shoots in for a takedown. She gets it. She begins working from half guard. Letourneau is looking for a kimura. Calderwood with some elbows to the body. Letourneau is still hanging on to that arm. She gives up on the submission and is able to stand back up. The fighters exchange punches and kicks. Joanne catches a Valerie kick and scores a takedown. Letourneau lands some good shots from guard. She is able to stand back up. Calderwood lands a nice spinning back kick. She looks great tonight. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Calderwood opens up with some kicks. She lands a nice right hand. Valerie fires back with a leg kick. Letourneau with a nice jab and then a high kick. Calderwood responds with a high kick of her own. Nice stiff right from Joanne. Calderwood lands a chopping leg kick. She presses Valerie against the fence. Joanne is landing some good knees. They break. Calderwood with a huge kick to the body. Valerie is hurt. Calderwood with a big combo. Letourneau is on all kinds of trouble. The referee steps in. It was an apparent uniform malfunction. Another big kick from Joanna lands. Letourneau is hurt. She turns her back. Joanna with some big shots. The referee steps in to call the fight.
Joanne Calderwood TKO’s Valerie Letourneau at 2:51 of round three
UFC Results