Anderson Silva responds to ‘Jacare’ Souza’s recent comments

By Tom Taylor - December 18, 2018

UFC President Dana White recently suggested that the winner of Anderson Silva and Israel Adesanya’s UFC 234 middleweight fight will get the next crack at the middleweight belt. Ronaldo ‘Jacare’ Souza, who has been chasing a UFC title shot since he arrived in the UFC in 2013, was not happy to hear this.

Anderson Silva

Speaking to the Brazilian website PVT last week, Jacare shared his belief that neither Silva nor Adesanya deserves a title shot.

Now Anderson Silva has responded.

He says he was surprised to hear his fellow Brazilian snubbing him — especially after all the help he’s given him.

“‘Jacare,’ when he come to train to my team in Brazil, I just opened the door of my gym and I helped a lot and supported a lot,” Silva said at a Monday press conference at his new Spider Kick gym (via MMA Fighting). “I’m very surprised that ‘Jacare’ was talking about that situation, especially because he respects me. I tried to help ‘Jacare’ many times. I fight with Dana and Ed Soares one time when ‘Jacare’ came close to fighting for the belt.”

Anderson Silva reminded Jacare that this development is no fault of his own. He says this was the decision of UFC President Dana White.

“I don’t know [why] Jacare is doing this, but it’s not my fault,” Silva said. “I try to do my best in my job. And that’s the point Dana offered to me, to fight for the belt again. It’s not my fault. I need to say ‘Jaca,’ it’s not me. It’s Dana White.”

What do you make of this situation? Do you think Anderson Silva deserves a title shot before ‘Jacare’ Souza? Join the debate in the comments section below.

This article first appeared on BJPENN.COM on 12/17/2018.


Anderson Silva Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza UFC