Elias Theodorou discusses release from UFC

By Tom Taylor - June 18, 2019

Despite an 8-3 promotional record against solid competition, Canadian middleweight Elias Theodorou was recently released by the UFC. The move, though widely derided by fans, has not left Theodorou with any ill will toward the UFC.

Elias Theodorou

“I have no ill will toward the UFC,” Theodorou told MMA Junkie. “I don’t think being upset about it does anyone good. Especially myself. I don’t want to burn any bridges, but I also want to look at it in the positive aspects where I’m happy and healthy, and I’ve been successful in 20 of my professional times.”

Furthermore, Elias Theodorou says he does understand the UFC’s decision, if only from a financial vantage point.

“The UFC does have 600 athletes,” he said. “I think they just looked at what I was making now being 8-3 in the UFC, the five or seven Canadian fighters they recently added, they probably can pay every single one of their paychecks with my paycheck.

“I think the surprise – I think it kind of speaks to what my value is as a martial artist, and the people that know me inside the cage and out. I’m excited for the next step in my career and make myself undeniable, wherever that is.”

Despite this unfortunate surprise, Elias Theodorou says he’s already received offers from other promotions which, unlike the UFC, will allow him to represent his own sponsors.

“There are many organizations that have already reached out that pretty much pay what the UFC pays in some capacity,” he said. “And now with the avenue of having sponsors potentially involved, there are avenues I could make the same money as a UFC fighter elsewhere.”

Where do you think Elias Theodorou will end up after his UFC release?

This article first appeared on BJPENN.COM on 6/18/2019.


Elias Theodorou UFC