UFC 236 Results: Dustin Poirier defeats Max Holloway (Highlights)
Current UFC featherweight champ Max Holloway will square off with Dustin Poirier for the promotions interim lightweight title in tonight’s UFC 236 main event.

Tonight’s headliner will serve as a rematch, as Poirier and Holloway first met in 2012 with “The Diamond” emerging victorious by way of first round submission.
Since the setback, “Blessed” has gone 16-2 and will enters tonight’s contest on a thirteeen fight win streak. In his latest effort, Max Holloway brutalized Brian Ortega at UFC 231.
Meanwhile, Dustin Poirier has gone 12-4 since defeating Holloway in 2012. “The Diamond” will enter tonight’s interim lightweight title bout on a four-fight win streak.
In his most recent outing at UFC Calgary, Poirier defeated former lightweight champ Eddie Alvarez via TKO.
Round one of the UFC 236 main event begins and the fighters meet in the center of the cage. Poirier with a front kick to the body followed by a low kick. Holloway leaps in with a jab. Dustin lands another front kick followed by a low kick. He presses forward but Max catches him with a body shot. Dustin with a low kick followed by a left hand. Max clips Dustin with a punch and now “The Diamond” is hurt. Holloway with a combo. Poirier answers with a big shot. Max is hurt. Poirier is all over him. He lands a right hand. Knees now from Poirier. He lands another right. Max Holloway is being battered but he lands a jab. Poirier with more big punches. Dustin won’t be denied here. He lands a combination that ends in an uppercut. Holloway comes back with a flurry. Dustin replies with a right hand and then a hook. Max Holloway is super tough. He is pressing forward now but eats a left hand. Poirier again with the left. Max continues to pressure. He lands a good right hand and then a kick to the body. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Poirier misses with a body kick to start. Max with a left jab. Dustin responds with a hook to the body. Holloway seems refreshed here. He lands a jab to the body and then goes upstairs with a jab. Poirier with a right hand over the top that partially connects. Max again goes to the body. Poirier with a left. He misses with a wild right hook. Max Holloway with a nice punch inside. He goes to the body with a pair of punches. Dustin with a jab. Max is really pressuring now. Poirier appears have slowed down. Dustin with a front kick that does little to slow Holloway. Dustin shoots for a takedown but Max denies the shot and claps at Poirier’s effort. Max Holloway with a nice kick to the body followed by a combination. Dustin Poirier lands a nice counter left. Dustin with a right hand that hurts Holloway. He presses forward and lands another good shot. He is picking his shots now. Poirier with another nice right hand. Big combination from Poirier to end round two.
Round three begins and Max Holloway comes out with a jab followed by a low kick. Poirier responds with a body shot. Max is coming forward now. Poirier catches him with a right. Holloway backs off and Poirier lands a low kick. Max Holloway with a jab to the body. He leaps in with a combination but eats a left. Poirier with a hard low kick. Max responds with a combination. Poirier eats the shots and fires off a flurry of his own. His punches appear to be the harder of the two. Max Holloway with a good right hand. He lands a jab and then another. Poirier misses with a left. Max makes him pay with a counter right. A good shot to the body lands for the Hawaiian. Both men with good jabs up the middle. Holloway with a nice right but Dustin replies with a crisp jab. Poirier with a good uppercut and then a jab from the pocket. Holloway returns fire with a combination. He is going off with punches. Dustin ducks under and shoots for a double leg. Holloway is doing a good job of defending. He lands some heavy elbows ala Travis Browne. The horn sounds to end round three.
Round four begins and Max Holloway looks to build on the momentum he found at the end of round three. Dustin Poirier shoots in for a takedown and he gets it. Holloway is looking to walk-walk. Dustin looks to prevent it but can’t. Max is back up but Dustin has him pressed against the cage. Holloway breaks free and lands a good punch. Dustin leaps in with some shots to the body. Max Holloway unloads a flurry, Dustin is in trouble now. Max is bartering him with punches. Dustin is looking for room to breathe. Max won’t let him. Finally Dustin gets off a right hand. Max continues to press and lands a good shot to the body. Dustin eats another body shot and is hurt. He guts it out and lands a left hand. Poirier with a right now. Holloway is a bloody mess from a knee. Poirier sees it and turns on the pressure. He lands a low kick followed by a stiff jab. Dustin shoots in for a takedown. Max defends but is pressed up against the cage. The horn sounds to end round four.
The fifth and final round of the UFC 236 main event begins and Poirier lands a low kick to start. Holloway lands a stiff jab. He comes forward with a body kick. Now Poirier works his jab. The Hawaiian with a combination from the outside. Poirier catches him with a perfect left hand. Max replies with a right up the middle. Both men rip hooks to the body. Max with a right hand. Dustin with an uppercut. The fighters clinch them break. Dustin Poirier with a nice right hand. Holloway replies with a kick which is blocked. Another slick right hand lands for Dustin. Max is looking for an opening. He finds it with a right hand. Porter responds with a counter left. Holloway digs to the body. Dustin catches him with a snapping jab. Under two minutes to go. Holloway with a combination. He charges in and forces the clinch. The fighters battle against the cage. Dustin is looking for a single leg takedown. One minute remians in the fight. Poirier looks for an ankle pick. Holloway reverts to elbows. The crowd wants action but these men have delivered. They break and throw until the final horn. Unbelievable fight!
Official UFC 236 Result: Dustin Poirer defeats Max Holloway via decision
Dustin Poirier Max Holloway UFC UFC 236