UFC 236 Results: Dwight Grant defeats Alan Jouban via split-decision
A welterweight bout between Dwight Grant and Alan Jouban took place on tonight’s UFC 236 main card pay-per-view from Atlanta, Georgia.

Alan Jouban returns to the octagon for the first time in over thirteen months. In his most recent octagon appearance, Jouban defeated Ben Saunders by way of knockout.
Meanwhile, Dwight Grant was last seen in action this past February, where he scored a first round finish victory over Carlo Pedersoli Jr.
Round one begins Jouban presses forward early. He looks to setup a right hand but Grant avoids. Jouban shoots in and scores an early takedown. Grant scrambles to his feet and begins throwing bombs at Alan. Jouban circles off the cage and avoids anything significant. Grant just misses with a left hook. Jouban is trying to find his way inside. He feints with a left and Grant throws a Wild right that misses. Jouban with a good shot now. Grant responds with a solid punch of his own. That shot got the attention of Jouban. Nice low kick from Jouban. Grant just misses with a big right over the top. He lands a low kick. Jouban responds with a high kick. Alan charges in with a combination. He lands a left. Grant with an inside low kick and then one to the body. Jouban circles and then attacks with a right. Grant replies with a winging right. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Alan Jouban presses forward early. Dwight Grant hits him with a low kick. Grant with a combination that appears to hurt Jouban. Alan circles out but then steps back into the pocket. He lands a low kicks. Jouban with a left hand down the middle. He lands another inside low kick. Grant returns fire with one of his own. Jouban with a jab. Grant replies with a low kick. Jouban misses high and then lands a jab. Grant is back petting. He eats another low kick from Jouban. Two minutes remain. Jouban with a right hook that partially connects. Grant responds with an inside low kick. Jouban continues to pump his jab. He lands a low kick. He shoots in and clinches with Grant. The fighters break and the crowd calls for action. Dwight lands a low kick. Jouban with one of his own. The horn sounds to end round two.
Round three begins and Grant lands a pair of low kicks to start. Jouban comes forward with a combination but eats a right hand. Alan with a left over the top that finds a home. He just misses with a follow up right. Grant seems hesitant to engage. He throws a head kick but Jouban blocks it. Alan comes forward now with his jab. He eats a low kick but that doesn’t slow his push. Three minutes remain. Jouban with a low kick. Grant replies with a hook to the body. A low kick connects to the groin and we take a brief break for Dwight Grant to recover. We restart and Grant lands a left. Jouban with a ton of pressure but he is just struggling to get anything clean through. Jouban lands a right over the top. He continues to press. The fighters exchange low kicks. “Boring” chants fill the arena. Under one minute remains. Jouban misses with a wheel kick. He is chasing Grant around now. He lands a low kick. Grant responds with a left hand. Jouban gets the fight to the ground and takes the back of Grant. The horn sounds to end round three.
Official UFC 236 Result: Dwight Grant defeats Alan Jouban via split-decision (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)
Alan Jouban UFC UFC 236