UFC 241 Results: Derek Brunson defeats Ian Heinisch (Highlights)
A middleweight bout between Derek Brunson and Ian Heinisch kicked off tonight’s UFC 241 main card from Anaheim.

Brunson (19-7 MMA) was most recently seen in action at May’s UFC Fight Night event in Ottawa, where he scored a unanimous decision victory over Elias Theodorou. That improved Derek’s record to 3-2 over his past five Octagon appearances.
Meanwhile, Ian Heinisch (13-1 MMA) will enter UFC 241 on a five-fight win streak, his latest being a unanimous decision victory over Antonio Carlos Jr in May.
Round one begins and Heinisch comes out quickly with a flurry. He clips Brunson with a head kick but Derek is able to stay on his feet after a quick stumble. The fighters clinch and Brunson forces Ian against the cage. Heinisch breaks free and lands a low kick. He leaps in with a left. Brunson avoids and does the same. Heinisch with a good straight left. Derek Brunson paws with his jab. Ian attempts to go over the top with a right but misses. A low kick from Brunson now. Ian Heinisch shoots in for a takedown. Brunson sprawls and defends. He lands a nice kick and then another. Heinisch with a left hook that misses. Brunson connects with an inside low kick. He leaps in with a left and then comes high with a kick. Derek shoots in for a takedown and grabs a single leg. Somehow Heinisch is able to stay on his feet. The fighters separate and Ian lands a head kick. Brunson absorbs the blow and stalks forward. Heinisch controlling the pace in round one. Brunson shoots in for a takedown but cannot get it. The horn sounds to end round one.
Well OK then @IanHeinischMMA!! #UFC241 pic.twitter.com/rEM9kEgKEW
— UFC (@ufc) August 18, 2019
Round two of this UFC 241 fight begins and Brunson is throwing kicks early. Heinisch returns fire with a kick of his own. Brunson lunges in with a left hand that is blocked. Heinisch with a short front kick. Ian shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Brunson throws a flurry and appears to clip Heinisch who instantly shoots for another takedown. The fighters get back to standing and Brunson goes high with a kick. Heinisch leaps forward with a left. Brunson counters with one of his own. Both men are landing strikes in the pocket now. Brunson goes to the body with a kick. Ian returns fire with one of his own and then misses with a wild right hand. Brunson continues to search for that high kick. Ian with a double jab. Brunson leaps in with three straight lefts followed by a knee to the body. He takes the back of Heinisch. Derek is looking for a takedown. He gives up on that and lands another punch. The fighters move off the fence and Brunson lands a pair of low kicks. Ian Heinisch looks for a flying knee but it is not there. He throws a head kick that appears to clip Brunson. Derek circles to his left and then lands a kick to the body. Ian with a right hand. Derek takes the center of the cage and reels off a high kick. Ian shoots in for a takedown but Derek Brunson defends and lands some nice left hands. The horn sounds to end round two.
The third and final round of this UFC 241 fight begins and Ian Heinisch sneaks in a good left hand. Derek Brunson shoots in and takes his back. He scores a takedown but Heinisch scrambles and gets back to his feet within seconds. Brunson still has a hold of him and forces Ian up against the cage. Heinisch leaps into the pocket with a knee. Brunson replies with a straight left. Three minutes remain in the fight. Brunson looks for a takedown and he gets it. He immediately moves to the back of Heinisch. Ian scrambles back to his feet very quickly and lands a left hand. Brunson forces the clinch and lands a left hook. He paws with left and right hands before landing a solid body kick. Ian Heinisch fires off a jab. He finds a home for a straight right. Brunson looks for a single leg but it is not thee. Derek throws a spinning back fist and then a kick to the body. Ian charges in with a right hand. He likely needs a finish here. More shots from Heinisch. Brunson circles out and lands a counter right. The horn sounds to end round three.
Official UFC 241 Result: Derek Brunson def. Ian Heinisch by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)
Who would you like to see Derek Brunson fight next following his decision victory over Ian Heinisch at tonight’s UFC 241 event? Sound off in the comments section PENN Nation!
August 17, 2019
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Derek Brunson Ian Heinisch UFC UFC 241