UFC 256 Results: Mackenzie Dern defeats Virna Jandiroba (Highlights)
A stawweight bout between Mackenzie Dern and Virna Jandiroba takes place on the main card of tonight’s UFC 256 pay-per-view event.

Dern (9-1 MMA) will enter tonight’s event looking to build off back-to-back submission victories over opponents Randa Markos and Hannah Cifers.
Meanwhile, Virna Jandiroba (16-1 MMA) will enter UFC 256 on a two-fight win streak, her latest being a submission victory over Felice Herrig at UFC 252. The Brazilians lone UFC loss came against former strawweight title holder Carla Esparza.
Round one begins and Mackenzie Dern comes forward early with a jab. She follows that up with a good inside low kick. Virna Jandiroba swings and misses with a right. Mackenzie pushes forward and throws a combination. Virna replies with a good counter right. Mackenzie replies with one of her own. Both ladies appear content to stand and trade early. Mackenzie Dern lands a big right hand. Virna Jandiroba appears to be ok but that had to hurt. The former Invicta champ swings and misses with a right hook. Another good right hand lands for Dern. She swarms on Virna with a flurry. Jandiroba does a good job getting off of the fence. Mackenzie with a swarm of right hands now. She shoots in and looks to take Virna to the floor. Jandiroba is doing a good job of defending thus far. Dern gives up on the takedown and the fighters exchange knees from the clinch. They break and Virna lands a nice kick to the body of Dern. Both ladies are swinging heavy leather now. Dern with a low kick. Virna replies with a knee up the middle. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Virna Jandiroba lands a good right hand to get things started. Mackenzie Dern looks to come forward with a flurry but nothing appears to connect. Virna drops for a takedown but Dern was wise to it. Mackenzie lands a good low kick but then slips to the floor. Virna allows her back to her feet and the fighters continue to stand and trade. We move to the clinch and Jandiroba scores a good knee and then a right hand. Mackenzie Dern breaks free but the tide has definitely shifted here in round two. Dern with a good uppercut. She throws out a jab but it appears she poked Virna in the eye. The referee steps in so that Virna Jandiroba can recover. We restart and Mackenzie Dern launches a right hand that misses. She presses forward and looks to score a takedown. Virna hits the floor for a second but quickly scrambles back up to her feet. Dern is bleeding after a knee to the face. It looks like she may have a broken nose. Virna takes her to the ground and begins working from full guard. Dern is looking to secure a leg lock. Virna Jandiroba avoids and lands a right hand. Another sweep attempt from Mackenzie but the horn sounds before she could execute.
Round three begins and the fighters touch gloves and embrace. We begin and Dern swings and misses with a spinning back elbow. She lands a good jab. Both ladies connect with good jabs. Mackenzie Dern shoots in and looks to secure a takedown. Virna Jandiroba is able to defend and pushes Dern up against the cage. Mackenzie breaks free and leaps in with a right hand. She lands another and Virna is backing up. Dern with a good kick to the body now. Both ladies connect with stiff jabs. Dern lands two more and then a right hand. Virna is hurt. Mackenzie shoots for a single leg. She should have just continued to throw punches. Virna Jandiroba appears to have recovered and winds up tripping Dern to the floor. Two minutes remain now Dern is able to stand back up after unloading a pair of upkicks from off of her back. Mackenzie with an uppercut and then a right hand. Virna fires right back with a big hook that lands. Just over one minute remains. Big shots from both ladies. Dern lands a good jab. Virna returns fire. Virna Jandiroba looks to secure an armbar. She drops for it but it only results in Dern landing a hammer fist. The horn sounds to end round three. Great fight.
Official UFC 256 Result: Mackenzie Dern def. Virna Jandiroba by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)
Who would you like to see Dern fight next her victory over Jandiroba this evening in Las Vegas? Share your thoughts in the comments section PENN Nation!
December 12, 2020
Mackenzie Dern UFC UFC 256 Virna Jandiroba