UFC Fight Island 5 Results: Marcin Tybura defeats Ben Rothwell
A heavyweight bout between Ben Rothwell and Marcin Tybura takes place on the main card of tonight’s UFC Fight Island event in Abu Dhabi.

Rothwell (38-12 MMA) has gone 2-2 since returning to the UFC in March of 2019. ‘Big Ben’ will enter tonight’s event sporting a two-fight winning streak, his latest being a split decision win over Ovince Saint Preux this past May.
Meanwhile, Marcin Tybura (19-6 MMA) will also enter UFC Fight Island 5 on a two-fight win streak. The Polish heavyweight is coming off back-to-back unanimous decision wins over Sergey Spivak and Maxim Grishin in his most recent Octagon appearances.
Round one begins and Ben Rothwell comes forward quickly. He unloads a combination and Tybura is forced to circle out. Another jab from Rothwell lands. He attacks with a right and then a uppercut. Marcin is on the retreat. More big punches from ‘Big Ben’. Tybura backs off but eats a pair of body shots in the process. A good low kick lands from Rothwell but Tybura answers with a beautiful counter right. Both men are landing punches now. Rothwell comes forward but eats a combination for his efforts. Tybura with a nice right hand over the top. Rothwell replies with one of his own. Ben with a hard inside low kick. Marcin Tybura returns fire with an uppercut. A good left hook to the body now from Rothwell. Two minutes remain in the opening round. The heavyweights stand and trade in the center of the Octagon. Ben Rothwell lands a hard shot to the body of his opponent. Tybura returns fire with a pair of punches. He lands a stiff jab. Rothwell forces the clinch and lands an uppercut. Marcin returns fire with one of his own. The fighters break and Rothwell misses with a high kick attempt. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Ben Rothwell starts things off with a low kick. Marcin Tybura comes forward with early pressure. He lands a combination. ‘Big Ben’ answers with a low kick. Both men with right hands that miss. Rothwell with a flurry of punches that forces Tybura onto his bike. Ben catches up and forces the clinch. He pushes Marcin against the cage. Tybura is able to break free and immediately lands a hard jab. Rothwell answers with a low kick followed by a hook to the body. Marcin Tybura with a good uppercut. The fighters clinch and Marcin lands a knee up the middle. That strike forces Ben Rothwell to back off. He circles and then leaps in with a combination that lands. Ninety seconds remain and Tybura lands a big knee followed by a low kick. He follows that up with a nice straight right that lands flush. Rothwell appears to be wobbled but continues to press forward. He lands a low kick but Tybura counters with a left hook. Big shots from both men to end round two.
Round three begins and Marcin Tybura lands a nice right hand to get things started. Rothwell replies with a left. He comes forward but gets countered by a solid punch from Tybura. ‘Big Ben’ with a nice inside low kick but it is answered by a front kick to the body from Tybura. Another low kick from Rothwell is answered by a hard jab from Marcin Tybura. He really seems to have found his stride in this fight. Ben Rothwell leaps in with a combination. Tybura avoids and then presses Ben against the cage and takes him down. Marcin is working from Ben’s full guard. Rothwell is looking for submissions from off of his back. Big shots from Marcin Tybura from top position now. Just over ninety seconds remain in the third and final round. Elbows now from the Polish heavyweight. He is busting ‘Big Ben’ up at the moment.
Official UFC Fight Island 5 Result: Marcin Tybura def. Ben Rothwell by unanimous decision
Who would you like to see Marcin Tybura fight next following his victory over Ben Rothwell this evening on Yas Island? Share your thoughts in the comments section PENN Nation!
on October 10, 2020
Ben Rothwell Marcin Tybura UFC UFC Fight Island