UFC Fort Lauderdale Results: Mike Perry defeats Alex Oliveira (Highlights)

By Chris Taylor - April 27, 2019

A welterweight bout between fan favorites Mike Perry and Alex Oliveira took place on tonight’s UFC Fort Lauderdale main card.

Mike Perry

Mike Perry will enter tonight’s fight with Alex Oliveira looking to rebound, this after being submitted by Donald Cerrone in his most recent effort this past November.

Platinum” has gone 1-3 over his past four fights and sports a professional record of 12-4.

Meanwhile, Alex Oliveira is coming off a loss to Gunnar Nelson in his most recent octagon appearance. Prior to the setback, “Cowboy” had reeled off back-to-back stoppage victories over Carlos Condit and Carlo Pedersoli Jr.

Round one begins and Oliveira throws a spinning back kick to start. Perry leaps in with a hook. “Cowboy” with a low kick. Perry rushes in with a flurry. The fighters clinch against the cage. Perry with some knees from the position. Oliveira breaks free and lands a low kick. He shoots in for a single leg and gets the takedown. Perry is right back up but Alex jumps on his back. The Brazilian has one hook in. He let’s go of the hold and lands a combination. Perry escapes but eats a low kick. Alex leaps in with a right hand and then misses with a jumping kick. Perry with an inside low kick. Alex replies with a big right hand. Perry misses with a spin kick. Alex presses him against the cage and lands a knee. Perry with a big elbow inside. Oliveira retreats and circles out. Perry is bleeding now under his left eye. Alex Oliveira with a big right hand from the pocket. He throws a kick to the body of ‘Platinum’. Another good right from Oliveira. Perry answers with a knee. Another good right from ‘Cowboy’. Mike Perry with a big flurry to close out the round.

Round two begins and Oliveira comes forward with a left jab. Perry misses with a hook but lands a leg kick. The fighters work from in close and Oliveira lands an uppercut. Big shots from Oliveira now. Perry counters with a hook that drops Alex. Mike tells him to stand and ‘Cowboy’ does. Back to trading leather now. Chants of “Perry” fill the crowd. Mike with a big slam from the clinch. Oliveira gets up and charges after him. ‘Cowboy’ with a pair of kicks. He just misses with a hook kick. Perry with a right hand now and then charges through on a takedown. ‘Platinum’ is working from half guard here. Big shots now from Mike Perry. Oliveira is in all sorts of trouble. The Brazilian scrambles to his feet. The horn sounds to end round Two.

Round three begins and Mike Perry lands a hard low kick to start. Oliveira returns fire with one of his own. Alex with a right hand. He paws with his jab. ‘Platinum’ with a big punch up the middle that drives Alex backwards. Oliveira gains his footing and lands a low kick. Both fighters with big punches. Perry with a low kick. Oliveira lands a right hand but not much was on it. He comes forward with a left hook. Perry replies with a hook that lands flush. He lands a big counter right. Perry with some big shots up against the cage. Oliveira circles off the fence. Perry snaps a jab. Just over a minute remains. Alex with a left hand and then a low kick. 30 seconds remain. Oliveira misses with a combo. He trips and lands on his back. The horn sounds to end round three.


Official UFC Fort Lauderdale Result: Mike Perry defeats Alex Oliveira via unanimous decision (29-28 x3)


Alex Oliveira Mike Perry UFC UFC Fort Lauderdale