UFC Nashville Results: Maycee Barber stops JJ Aldrich in Round 2 (Video)
A women’s Flyweight bout between Maycee Babeer and JJ Aldrich kicked off tonight’s UFC Nashville main card.

The 20-year-old, Barber, entered tonight’s contest sporting an undefeated professional record of 6-0.
Round one begins and Aldrich lands a jab to get things started. Maycee circles but Aldrich pressures. A hard left from Aldrich drops Barber. Maycee scrambles back up to her feet but JJ is all over her early. Barber lands a low kick but Aldrich counters beautifully with a combination. Barber tries to leap in with some shots but once again Aldrich avoids and lands a counter. Barber circles and then takes the center of the octagon. The fighters clinch and Barber lands a knee. Aldrich breaks free and then leaps in with a right. Barber comes forward with a high kick that misses. Aldrich with a stiff jab up the middle. Maycee is trying to utilize some movement now. She misses with a right hand and Aldrich lands a kick. Barber trips and hits the floor. JJ tells her to stand back up. Barber returns to her feet and eats a jab for her efforts. Maycee returns fire with a low kick. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Aldrich comes out quickly with a left. Maycee attempts to clinch but JJ breaks free. Barber circles along the fence but Aldrich cuts her off with a straight right. Barber responds with a low kick. She attempts to go high and then clinches up. Maycee with a nice right hand on the break. She continues to walk down Barber here. JJ with a straight left. Barber replies with a nice left hook. She follows that up with a low kick. Aldrich eats another left hook but then responds with a right. Maycee lands another low kick. She comes forward with a combination. The fighters clinch and Barber lands some good strikes in close. The fighters break and Barber lands a left. Aldrich is rocked. Barber chases after her and lands another left. Aldrich falls into the fence. Barber is on her with punches and then a knee. This is close to being stopped and it is! Maycee Barber ladies and gentlemen.
THAT'S IT!@MayceeBarber finishes Aldrich in round 2! Wow! #UFCNashville pic.twitter.com/HzNUu14vQW
— UFC (@ufc) March 24, 2019
Official UFC Nashville Result: Maycee Barber def. JJ Aldrich via TKO at 3:01 of Round 2
Maycee Barber UFC UFC Nashville