Woman recounts Brendan Schuab’s heroic efforts following fatal wrong way crash

By Joe McDonagh - August 20, 2021

Former UFC fighter and now comedian, Brendan Schuab, spoke on the “The Fighter and the Kid” podcast earlier this week where he detailed a terrifying story of saving 3 children from a massive car accident.

Brendan Schaub

It did not take long for the story to make major headlines, and Rita Campos to notice that this story was all too real for her, as she was a member of the incident.

“All of a sudden all these people were texting me the story and were like ‘this is you he (Brendan Schuab) talking about,” Campos told MMA Junkie in a recent interview.

It was a purposeful incident, according to Los Angeles County, 31-year-old Cesar Iban Torres tried to kill his girlfriend and their four children when he drove on the wrong side of the highway. 26 year old Aimee Garcia passed away, and her 3 children were left with serious injuries.

Campos was one of three cars directly behind the attempted wrong way crash. Campos, Schuab and another women all pulled over to assist in any way possible, and as fast as possible. Campos and others saw another man, whom she believed to be Torres, hit by a vehicle.

“As I’m asking (Schaub) if he called 911, I heard the thunk [sic] and looked over and saw the guy get hit by this black SUV,” Campos said. “I can’t confirm if it was a Durango or not, and I said that to the police when they took my statement, but he definitely got nailed by that car.” (MMA Junkie)

Brendan Schaub

Schuab and others began to attempt to open the now mangled door, needing to smash the window to get inside. Schuab described handing the youngest child over to a women, Campos was that women.

“He gave me the baby, and I just kind of started focusing on the other kids,” Campos said. “Myself and the other lady, her and I were really focused on the kids and just staying with them. I did lose sight of Brendan at that point, because that must’ve been when he left.”

Former UFC fighter, Brendan Schuab was very emotional when speaking about the scene on the podcast. On social media, he was being questioned about possibly lying about the crash, and that it possibly never happened. Campos felt the need to step up and share the story to confirm just how terrifyingly real it all was.

“What I saw, he was definitely extremely active and pulling the doors open and trying to get in and the windows … it looked like he was almost standing on the floorboard to get leverage to pull the doors open from where I was standing,” Campos said. “So I do feel his description from what I saw was accurate. He was there a minute or so before I was, but when I rolled up, he was definitely in (the act) of trying to rip the doors open.”

Campos went into further detail with MMA Junkie of just how extremely sad this situation was for all involved, especially the innocent children.

“One of the kids, the chubby one that Brendan was describing, he said, ‘We don’t have a home anymore. We don’t have a home anymore.’ And he’s like, ‘My dad said we were going to heaven now. Am I still going to heaven? Are we still going to heaven?’” Campos said. “And I’m like, f*ck, man. ‘No, you will at some point, but not today. You’re a big brother now. You’re here to protect them, and you’re being a brave big brother.’”



Brendan Schaub UFC