VIDEO | Nick Diaz shows he could care less about USADA’s potential anti-doping violation

By Russell Ess - June 30, 2017

UFC star Nick Diaz has been free to fight in the UFC since August of last year after his 18-month suspension term for testing positive for marijuana was up. The elder Diaz brother, however, stated that he was in no rush to get back to competition unless there were big fights that would equate to big pay.

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On Thursday, USADA informed the UFC of Nick’s potential anti-doping violation after three “whereabouts failures” over the course of the past 12 months.

The UFC released the following statement:

“The UFC organization has been notified that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has informed Nick Diaz of a potential Anti-Doping Policy violation stemming from Diaz’s alleged accumulation of three Whereabouts Failures within a 12-month period. Diaz, like all other UFC athletes, is enrolled in USADA’s UFC Registered Testing Pool and required to file accurate Whereabouts information in order to be located for out-of-competition, no-notice testing.

“USADA, the independent administrator of the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, will handle the results management and appropriate adjudication of Diaz’s case, who has been provisionally suspended pending the final resolution of this matter. Under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, there is a full and fair legal process that is afforded to all athletes before any sanctions are imposed. Additional information will be provided at the appropriate time as the process moves forward.”

The video above was apparently from Nick’s Snapchat from the past night where it looks like he could care less about the potential USADA violation.

Nick Diaz Snoop Dogg smoke

Dana White recently said that he believes Nick no longer has any interest in fighting. From the looks of Nick in this video following another potential suspension term, seems like the UFC President is right.

Do you think we will ever see Nick Diaz fight again? Let’s discuss this one in the comment section!

on 6/30/2017.


Nick Diaz Videos