VIDEO | Urijah Faber gives his final backstage interview

By Chris Taylor - December 18, 2016

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Former WEC featherweight champion Urijah Faber competed for the final time at last night`s UFC on FOX 22 event in his hometown of Sacramento, California, where he earned a dominant decision victory over Brad Pickett.

Following his decisive victory over Pickett, Faber spoke to Megan Olivi backstage where he discussed his memorable mixed martial arts career and what he plans to do in the next chapter of his life.

What was your favorite moment of Urijah Faber`s Hall of Fame worthy career, sound off PENN Nation!

Get the full fight recap from Urijah Faber`s dominant decision win over Brad Pickett below.

Round one begins and Pickett throws a leg kick to start. Faber presses forward and lands a jab. Pickett ducks under a punch and misses with a left hook. Faber with a front kick. He eats a left hand. Faber responds with a jab. Brad lands a leg kick. He charges forward wit a combo that misses. Pickett throws a leg kick the drops Faber. Urijah pops right back up and works his jab. Faber leaps in and lands a nice right hand. He shoots in and presses Brad against the fence. Pickett reverses the position and pushes Faber against the fence. There is a scramble and Faber is back up. Faber drops Pickett with a left hook. He pounces on him with ground and pound. He takes the back of Pickett and looks for a rear-naked choke. Brad survives and winds up mounted. Faber dropping bombs now. Brad once again gives up his back. Faber begins working some hard elbows. Pickett is busted up. Round one comes to an end.

Round two begins and Faber lands a left jab to start. He tags Brad with a right and then knee. Pickett responds with a hard leg kick and the another. Urijah with another crisp jab. Two more leg kicks score for Pickett. Faber is limping a little now. Still, he lands another right hand. Pickett presses forward and misses with a left. Brad throws a knee but Faber catches it and gets a takedown. He begins working from full guard. Faber with some short shots. Pickett scrambles and Faber grabs a hold of neck. Another scramble and Faber looks to take the back of Pickett. Brad escapes and breaks free. Back to the stand up and Pickett lands a jab to the body. He throws a kick but Faber catches it and tosses the leg aside. Faber shoots in and lands a takedown. He works for a guillotine choke but Brad rolls and escapes the submission. Faber with a combination. Brad misses with a leg kick. Faber bouncing around now. He ducks a punch and scores a takedown to close out round two.

Round three begins and Faber goes upstairs with a high kick to start. He shoots in and scores a quick takedown. He begins working from full guard. Pickett scrambles and is able to get back to his feet. Faber throws a front kick to the body. He ducks a punch and shoots in and scores another takedown. Pickett is busted up and his face is very swollen now. He rolls and tries to escape but Faber won’t let it happen and winds up in side control. Faber with some hard elbows and then a nice right hand. Pickett scrambles and is somehow able to get back to his feet. Brad drops Faber with a hard shot. Urijah pops right back up smiling. Faber leaps in and lands a knee to the body. Pickett with a left hook. Faber shoots in and scores the final takedown of his career to end the fight.


Urijah Faber Videos