WATCH! NBA’s Jahlil Okafor knocks out dude in the street!

By Russell Ess - November 27, 2015

What do you expect to happen when you keep heckling a 6’11” athlete in a bar? We are no MMAth professors, but common sense will tell you that unless the heckler is greater than 6’11”, it will probably end in less than favorable circumstances for the instigator.

Well, that is exactly what happened when some fool was talking down to the Philadelphia 76ers center, Jahlil Okafor on Wednesday night outside a Boston nightclub.

From ESPN:

“Apparently, they said: ‘The 76ers suck and you guys are all losers. You’ll never win a game,'” a source close to Okafor told ESPN’s Jeff Goodman.

“I was around the corner when it happened. I saw him a minute after he knocked the dude out,” the source said. “I think the guy was just talking s—. Saying the Sixers suck.”

Jahlil Okafor was the #3 pick in the 2015 draft, now playing for the Philadelphia 76ers. Both the 76ers and the NBA have said that they are working to gather more information on the incident.

