World Series of Fighting 2: Preliminary Card Play-By-Play and Results | MMA News

By bjpenndotcom - March 23, 2013


The World Series of Fighting takes place at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 23rd. The main event features a clash of two dangerous strikers, former UFC heavyweight champion, Andrei Arlovski and former UFC welterweight, Anthony Johnson.

The preliminary card starts at 6:30 ET, while the main event begins on NBC Sports Network at 9:30 ET.


Frank Buenafuente (2-0) vs. Bill Algeo (2-1)

Round 1:

First round of the first bout started with a flush knee after a short keeling out process as Buenafuente went for a takedown. The action was brought to the ground and back up again as the two featherweights fought for positioning as Algeo worked his submission game to no avail early. Buenafuente’s takedowns were constantly threatened by the guillotine chokes of Algeo.

Both men used technical grappling and worked on gaining better position on the other. Few punches were exchanged as Buenafuente used slams from back control to control Algeo for the beginning of the round. Algeo able to attack with a triangle choke but was pushed back to full guard shortly after before transitioning to the top where he held Buenafuente down for the remainder of a first round that was a back and forth battle for control.

Round 2: 

The second round began as the same did with a quick feeling out followed by a Buenafuente takedown that was countered with a hard uppercut. Algeo continued to attack with submissions as the two fought hard for positioning, while Buenafuente remained on top and seemingly in control.

Buenafuente continued to hold Algeo down for some time until Algeo reversed his positioning and ended up in side control with under two minutes left in a quiet second round. Algeo was able to advance up to full mount eventually taking the back of Buenafuente as he worked for a rear-naked choke. Algeo continued to work the submission until he was able to sink in a solid choke and get the tap with just a few seconds remaining in round 2.

Official Decision: Bill Algeo defeats Frank Buenafuente via Rear-naked choke at 4:36 of round 2.


Brenson Hansen (3-1) vs. Tom Marcellino (4-1)

Round 1: 

The round started with an exchange of leg kicks as both men gauged distance. The action was stopped momentarily by a groin kick from Hanson. They resumed the fight with Henson pushing the action and landing a flying knee up against the cage. They switched off attacking one another with no clean shots finding their mark. Hanson continuously used a nice duck followed by an overhand right hand that connected several times.

Netiher fighter looked to engage in the ground game until they clinched momentarily as they attacked one another. Marcellino was awarded the takedown but the fight was brought back up to the feet quickly where Hansen caught Marcellino with a big punch that dropped him. Hanson followed him to the ground but couldn’t finish and ended the round in a dominant position.

Round 2: 

Marcellino looked slower in this round as he kept his hands very low and was frequently caught with a snapping jab by Hanson. He was able to secure a trip but Hanson popped right back up and resumed his stand-up work, now with a badly bleeding nose. Hanson pushed the pace and eventually dropped Marcellino with a big overhand and dropped him. Hansen never let up on his advance and smelled blood as he moved in. Hansen put some space between himself and Marcellino to set uop a huge flying knee that put Marcellino down. A few more shots on the ground and Dan Miragliotta was forced to stop the fight.

Official Decision: Branson Hanson defeats Tom Marcellino via TKO in the second round.


Ozzie Dugulubgov (3-1) vs. Chris Wade (5-0) 

Round 1: 

This fight started out quickly as Dugulubgov used powerful kicks keep distance between himself and Wade. Wade was able to get underhooks but was held up against the cage until they broke free. It was Dugulubgov who got the first takedown and ended up on top as he worked to advance past the half-guard of Wade. Wade walked up the cage and was able to break free.

Dugulubgov remained aggressive and threw heavy shots, most of which missed, as he looked to hurt Wade. The first round came to a close as neither man could make a statement.

Round 2: 

Beginning of this round was all Dugulubgov as he pushed forward and countered Wade’s kicks with strong straight punches that dropped Wade. Wade showed he had a good chin and was able to get the back of Dugulubgov momentarily until he was reversed. Dugulubgov remained in side-control seemed to be content with controlling Wade. Dugulubgov remained in control as they changed positions and brought Wade right back to the mat after a brief moment on the feet for Wade.

Dugulubgov never let up on the ground as we worked some ground and pound from full-guard. Dugulubgov worked at a slower pace on the ground and sought to win the round in which he held full control.

Round 3:

Wade fought more aggressively to open this round but was brought down early after a failed spinning back kick. Dugulubgov again held Wade down and scored well on the judges cards with total control over a motionless Wade. Dugulubgov continued to advance his position and worked a superior ground game in without threatening with any strikes or submission attempts. Wade attacked an ankle late in the round and sought to bring the fight back in his favor after being controlled for the majority of each round.

Wade looked better with his takedown defense, reversing one to end up on top and subsequently locking in a guiilotine. Dugulubgov was able to escape however and continued his ground dominance with little action to end the third round.

Official Decision: Ozzie Dugulubgov defeats Chris Wade via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Igor Gracie (5-3) vs. Rich Patishnock (4-1)

Round 1: 

Gracie came out and brought this fight to the ground almost immediately, holding on to the legs of Patishnock. Patichnock got back to his feet yet slammed shortly after by Gracie. Gracie immediately took his back and worked for a rear-naked choke. Patishnock continuously got to his feet and performed a front flip to try and knock Gracie off but was unseuccessful after three attempts. Patishnock wore Gracie like a backpack and survived the first round with a glimpse of offense at the end as his fourth slam shook Gracie as Patishnock followed up with a few closing shots on the ground.

Unfortunately, Gracie couldn’t answer the bell for the second round as doctors cleared his face of the blood stemming from a bad cut, while Gracie complained about an injured right shoulder that was most likely injured from any one of the four slams.

Official Decision: Rich Patishnock defeats Igor Gracie via Doctor Stoppage at 5:00 of Round 1.

Waylon Lowe (13-4) vs. Cameron Dollar (11-4)

Round 1: Lowe was found up against the cage, circling around the ring, as Dollar followed suit. They exchanged a few punches but no one really landed clean. Lowe started to move forward more and began to open up with his strikes, showing good footwork and some serious agility as he moved in and out with blinding hand speed. Lowe finally found Dollar’s chin with a short left hook while backing up and after a beautiful feint that dropped Dollar’s guard. Dollar hit the mat, unconscious.

Official Decision: Waylon Lowe defeats Cameron Dollar via Knockout at 2:58 of Round 1.


Rick Glenn (12-2) vs. Alexandre Pimentel (12-0)

Round 1:

 Glenn looked to dictate the pace on the feet as he moved towards Pimentel and threw hard punches. Pimentel looked happy to trade with Glenn but knew his advantage was on the ground worked Glenn down where he held him as he worked to advance his positioning. Glenn was able to stand back up but couldn’t shake Pimentel and wound up on top. Pimentel went with a triangle choke, however and swiftly transitioned to an omoplata attempt that he held on to while adding a rear-naked choke to the mix all while in a crucifix position. Glenn stayed resilient and remained calm long enough to loosen his hold and roll out of the attempt. Pimentel wound up on top to finish the round.

Round 2:

Glenn sought payback in the second and did well to keep Pimentel backing up. He landed several nice shots and kept busy, negating the takedowns of Pimentel. Glenn was dropped though and the ground game resumed with Pimentel on Glenn’s back with a tight body-triangle sunk in. Glenn spun around, putting himself in to Pimentel’s guard, instantly being attacked with another omoplata and reversed. Glenn showed his heart again and stood back up, eating a knee on the separation.

Both fighters exchanged tired shots, with both landing good punches as their heads drifted toward the center of their bodies as they threw more and more, allowing the other fighter to land more. Glenn ended the round holding Pimentel up against the fence as he tried to steal the round after some getting into trouble early on.

Round 3:

Glenn again wanted to even the score on the feet, moving in on Pimentel Pimentel went for another takedown but Glenn stuffed this one with ease. Glenn ended the fought shortly after, landing a nice right-hook on the chin of Pimentel after a head-kick. Pimentel dropped and was knocked fully unconscious after Glenn stood over him and landed several murderous punches that introduced the back of Pimentel’s head to the canvas.

Official Decision: Rick Glenn defeats Alexandre Pimentel via knockout at 1:51 of the third round.


Danillo Villefort (13-4) vs. Kris McCray (8-4)

Round 1: 

A quick start found Kris McCray landing shots in the clinch on Villefort up against the cage. McCray earned a takedown but wasn’t able to hold Villefort down who fought back up his spot in the clinch. Deja vu struck as McCray again slammed Villefort, this time away from the cage, and was able to hold him down. McCray stayed in Villefort’s guard and worked the body of Villefort while using sharp elbows to the head to wear Villefort out.

McCray held him there until Villefort was able to scramble back to his feet. They went to war at this point with haymakers that Villefort got the better of as he rocked McCray and brought him down. McCray stayed with it in the fight and worked his way back up, only to get caught with a head-kick that put him face-first in the canvas. McCray was not out and stayed conscious long enough to survive the round.

Round 2:

McCray grabbed an early clinch in the second, looking to fully recover, while also securing a takedown. McCray held Villefort down while peppering him with light shots to score with the judges and despite a very brief attack on the arm of McCray, Villefort was inactive up to this point. Villefort rolled to escape but gave his back to McCray who locked in a body-triangle as he worked for a rear-naked choke. Villefort stayed diligent and it eventually paid off as he made his way out of McCray’s control and wound up on top. McCray dominated most of this round save for the last thirty-seconds, a crucial time in a round.

Round 3:

McCray, although exhausted, advanced towards Villefort, looking for a takedown. Villefort countered McCray and secured a muay-thai clinch and landed a few hard knees before he took McCray down. Villefort stayed active until McCray found some breathing room and stood up.

Villefort battered McCray on the feet, dropping him several times with hard knees and a flush head-kick. McCray grew more tired with each flush shot but wouldn’t go away as he stood with Villefort for as long as his legs would allow. McCray got a much needed break as Villefort landed an illegal knee but the action didn’t go far as both fighters swung away until the closing bell, both their bodies covered in McCray’s blood.

Official Decision: Danillo Villefort defeats Kris McCray via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

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