Bisping on Belfort: He has the heart of a chicken | UFC NEWS

By BJPENN.COM News - January 10, 2013

“I’m looking forward to going to Brazil. I was there for just a few days before Christmas doing PR for this fight. I shook Vitor’s hand and we had a laugh about how at UFC 152 we were around each other quite a lot and got along great – and now we are fighting. It happens a lot in the UFC but it’s always a little strange.

I noticed he looked HUGE. Massive arms, chest and shoulders – a body for posing down at the beach – but then I noticed these little chicken legs sticking out of his arse. I thought: “He has the upper body of a lion but the legs of a chicken”.

And – now we are this close to the fight – I will say that he has heart of a chicken, too. He’s a professional bully. If you let him have his way he will rip you apart in short order, but if you fight back and get him tired, he backs down and does basically nothing.”

Michael Bisping takes to YahooSports! to blog about his upcoming fight against Vitor Belfort next week on FX. The British fighter will get his long awaited title shot with a victory, but Vitor Belfort is no easy task for any man.
