Belfort Needs 90 Days To Transition Off TRT

By BJPENN.COM News - March 2, 2014

Last week the Nevada State Athletic Commission banned the use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in their jurisdiction and shortly after Brazil and the UFC followed suit.

The next day Vitor Belfort was removed from his title fight against Chris Weidman and he was replaced by Lyoto Machida. According to Vitor, the UFC promised him the winner of the Weidman vs. Machida title fight.

In a recent post to his instagram, Vitor passed off a statement from his medical staff about the removal of TRT from his dietary plan.

Check it:

“Vitor Belfort’s TRT have always been a medical decision aimed to health improvement. The same treatment strategy is available and widely prescribed to every patient who makes the decision to live better and healthier life through their natural ageing process. Any performance advantage results not from the use of medication, but from the athlete’s unshaken discipline and absolute dedication to an extremely demanding training routine, impeccable nutrition and resting. In the name of his passion for the sport and dedication to his fans, my patient made the decision to interrupt his health treatment. We are going to need 90 days to adapt Vitor’s treatment and nutrition in order to support his extremely hard training routine – This is what makes Vitor one of the best fighters on UFC history and the most dedicated athlete I’ve ever had the honor to work with.”
