Benson Henderson Addresses The Fans On Finishing Rate
I know I’m not the best (yet, ;-D), I was never the fastest, or strongest, or most athletic, or most technical or anything like that. Go ahead and ask any of my high school or college wrestling coaches. I was never picked 1st in dodgeball or basketball or soccer or football games growing up but one thing I always had was the will power and determination to NEVER give up, to not be afraid to open up my heart and give all of myself, to not hold anything back for the swim back to shore.

I guess I’m supposed to apologize that I’m no AndersonSilva or BJPenn, who is? I’m just that kid who would never stop, the kid whose older brother friends used to beat in 10 games of basketball (in a row) but would be pushing for the 11th game, yeah that’s me. And just like back then I’m not going ANYWHERE, you want my belt, you’re gonna have to pry it from my cold fingers.
No, I’m not the best but guess what, I’ve got the UFC LW belt and I’m just getting started, I’m getting better every single day…think about that, let that sink in.
A HUGE thanks to my growing family, faithful friends and real fans.
– via Facebook.