Bitter Jacob Volkmann Plans On “Exposing” UFC For What They Are
“Very bitter. They always claim that they treat the fighters so well. Yeah, they treat the top five percent of the fighters well – the ones that are on the main card all the time. They don’t treat the rest of them very well. The healthcare plan is horrible, with a $1,500 deductible per injury – the catastrophic-injury insurance is not even really good insurance. There’s no retirement fund, there’s no signing bonus. You start off at six-and-six, you’re really not making too much money because you’re self-employed, so you’re paying the self-employment tax and you’re paying the regular tax and income tax. So you’re paying twice as much in tax. They claim they’re treating the fighters well, but they’re not, realistically. People always tell me, ‘You’re rich – you’re on TV!’ Are you kidding me? I made $54,000 two years ago, paid $9,000 in taxes, so that leaves me with $45,000. This last year, I made $50,000 and paid $8,000 in taxes. That leaves me with $42,000 – that’s barely above poverty. I have three kids and a wife I’m supporting. I’m trying to make the fans realize what the UFC is really like – I’m going to expose them as much as I can. But also my goal is to win in World Series and try to stay undefeated. Obviously it’s to win. The short-term goal is to win. The long-term goal is, as soon as they come out with that belt, I’d like to get that belt.”

Former UFC fighter, Jacob Volkmann received his walking papers after losing to Bobby Greene at UFC 156 and after dropping just two bouts in the 155lb division, he isn’t happy about the release.
As the controversial, Obama hating, lightweight prepares for his WSOF debut he dropped this gem off at Above and Beyond MMA and laid out all the details on how he plans to expose the UFC, their pay practices and bogus healthcare coverage.