Chuck Liddell Tells Fighters To Stop Playing It Safe If They Want More Money

By BJPENN.COM News - July 22, 2013

“The fighters probably aren’t going to like me for this one but my biggest problem is guys playing it safe. I understand it from a coach’s standpoint and a manager’s standpoint, I understand why you want to play it safe and win every fight. I get it. But do I want to go watch a guy beat a guy for four rounds and then in the fifth round not do anything? You want to be worth more? Go out and fight. Have fun. Knock people out. Submit them. Beat them. I don’t care. Just try and finish a fight… That’s one of the reasons I retired. If you stuck around the way I was fighting I would have had to start playing it safe. I went out on my shield and that’s the way I liked it. I fought that way my whole career and I didn’t want to bore people for my last three of four fights.”

In a recent interview with AXS TV’s Inside MMA, the man who put the UFC on the map, Chuck Liddell, gave his take on the current state of Mixed Martial Arts.
