Dana White Calls Ryan Couture, Tells Him Father Unwelcome At Events, Offers UFC Release | UFC NEWS

By BJPENN.COM News - February 6, 2013

“I called Ryan Couture and I said, ‘Ryan, this is probably the weirdest conversation you are ever going to have with me. You signed a deal with us to fight in the UFC. I want you here if you want to be here. But I need you to understand this; me and your dad are not good. Me and your dad are never going to be good ever again as long as I walk this fucking planet. I know he’s your dad and I don’t want to call you up and tell you how much I don’t like your father, but, if you want to leave the UFC,’ because he, Randy, is not cornering him. Randy Couture can’t buy a ticket to this mother fucking event. I said, ‘He’s not going to be around and I just wanted to be up front with you. I want to be honest and be up front. If you want me to release your from your contract so that you can go do a deal with Bellator, and have your dad maybe work with you and come up and do whatever, I will do that for you, too.’ He said, ‘ Every kid that has ever strapped on a pair of gloves is dreaming about fighting in the UFC. And if they say they’re not, they are either lying not they are stupid. This is my dream, I want to be with you guys. He’s my dad and he’s always going to be my dad. But, this is where I want to be, I worked my whole life to get here.’ And I told him, ‘This is your house, don’t ever feel like it’s not.’ That was something that I had to do, I had to talk to him. The kid is either with us or he is not. And I don’t mean, ‘Oh, you’re either with us or you’re not with us,’ I mean, I want him to feel like if he stays with us, he’s with us and there is no hard feelings for him because of what’s going on with me and Randy or anything like that. I want him to feel comfortable if he wanted to stay. And I wanted to give him the option to go with his dad, too. I don’t want him to be in some situation where like he says, ‘this guy is getting to fights with my dad and I’m stuck in a contract with them and I’d rather (not.)’ That’s the whole story, that’s it, and I’d rather not talk about it again.”

– Dana White via last weekends UFC 156 media event.
