Dana White Responds To Nate Quarry: ‘I have nothing bad to say’

By BJPENN.COM News - February 20, 2014

Seemingly out of nowhere, former UFC middleweight and one-time title challenger Nate Quarry, came out this week and pretty much started bashing the ethics of the UFC.

We heard from Lorenzo earlier today and now during his pre-UFC 170 media scrum Dana also touched on Quarry’s beef.

Check it:

“I like Nate Quarry. Let me tell you what. You’re never going to hear me say anything negative about any of the guys from season one of The Ultimate Fighter. I love those guys, I respect them, I always had a great relationship with Nate Quarry. Lorenzo said it the best, it’s unfortunate that Nate fought at a time when we were still $44 million in the hole, you know?”

“It’s easy to look back and go “they invested $44 million and this thing’s worth a few billion. Easy to say that now. But back then? … It was so close to being shut down and going away. There was a time I was like, we’re never, fucking ever getting that $44 million back. It’s never going to happen. There was a time when I absolutely believed that.”

While we all still may agree that fighter’s deserve to make a bigger piece of the UFC’s pie, it’s hard to argue with that logic when discussing Nate’s argument.



