Dana White Says His Vlogs Do More Hits Than Bellator TV Programming & The Stats Show He Is Right!!

By BJPENN.COM News - August 16, 2013

“They have no f—-ing clue what they’re doing… I saw Bjork was talking some smack, I’m like, dude, just shut up and run your business. That’s what you should have done when you started and you had some legs to stand on. They’re hurting. I’m sure you guys saw… when they did their press conference, all they talked about was me. What are they going to talk about? That fight? ‘Well, you guys have lost your last 10 fights, uh, how do you think this fight is going to go? Well, I can tell you this, one of us is going to win. Somebody’s ‘O’ has got to go.’ But it’s the opposite of what you normally talk about. Obviously they need money, good for them. Let them do their thing. How’s your competitive spirit feeling? My video blog does more f—ing viewers than their television show does. I’m not feeling very competitive.”

In this interview with MMAFighting.com, Dana White fires back at Bellator for their criticism of the UFC.

Interestingly enough, the UFC boss is actually right about his video blogs out drawing Bellator programming.

Here are the stats courtesy MMA.TV:

The average views for the season of Fight Master televsion shows to date are:
Episode 1: 432,000
Episode 2: 545,000
Episode 3: 676,000
Episode 4: 505,000
Episode 5: 441,000
Episode 6: 629,000
Episode 7: 398,000

The average views for the last half dozen Bellator fight shows are:
Bellator 92: 741,000
Bellator 93: 748,000
Bellator 94: 713,000
Bellator 95: 901,000
Bellator 96: 480,000
Bellator 97: 697,000

The playlist for Dana White’s vlogs shows that the views for the last couple of years range from a low of around 160,000 to a high of 878,390, with an average of well over 200,000. At first glance, it does not appear as if Dana’s vlogs usually get more views than Fight Master. However, White often does two, three, or even four vlogs for each card, which could indeed mean that his vlog does more views than Bellator’s show, on a show by show basis.
