Dos Santos Given Release By UFC While Immune System Bounces Back From Hep. B

By BJPENN.COM News - August 14, 2014

“His viral count is now at zero, which means he doesn’t have the disease anymore, but Nevada demands three positive results for antibodies and we’re still waiting for the last one. Doctors said that when you undergo a chemotherapy treatment like he did, the last one usually takes longer than the other ones, but he can’t fight until it does.

“I find it a little extreme because there’s no viral count anymore. There’s no virus, he no longer transmits the disease, but I’m not a doctor and I can’t question the athletic commission, so we have to wait.”

In a recent chat with’s Guilherme Cruz, standout Brazilian manager Alex Davis touched on the UFC’s newest heavyweight prospect in Geronimo dos Santos (pictured).

Dos Santos has yet to make his UFC debut following failed medical exams that showed the presence of Hepatitis B, a very serious and sometimes lethal virus.

The Brazilian based fighter told Cruz that when his immune system is back to normal, he’ll return:

“I’m healed, thank God, but my immunity is still low. It takes a long time to be right back up, and I was losing money, because I couldn’t fight during the treatment, even if I’m already healed. The Nevada Athletic Commission is very strict, and I’m not cleared to fight until my immune system is back to normal. I want to fight again, but I couldn’t do anything here since I had an exclusive contract with them.”
