Hendo Coach Looks To Bring In Sonnen, Wants Vitor Off TRT For Upcoming Bout

By BJPENN.COM News - August 23, 2013

image via ESPN

Vitor Belfort and Dan Henderson are both posters boys for the use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

These two MMA Legends do it the right way, legally and get the proper exemptions from Athletic Commissions for fights.

There’s a hiccup in Brazil though, one that could restrict Dan Henderson’s use of the therapy and his coach, Ricardo Feliciano, says if Dan can’t use it, Vitor shouldn’t be allowed to use it either.

Check it out (Via Tatame.com):

“If Dan [Henderson] can’t use [TRT], so won’t Vitor! Vitor has already been caught in a doping exam and Dan hasn’t! Dan has been using it for a long time and I think he won’t have problems. I am sure Vitor won’t come to [Las] Vegas because here he won’t be permitted to use TRT as he has been using in fights in Brazil. That’s why he only fights there.”

Team Hendo is also talking about bringing in Chael Sonnen to help Dan train for this fight.

“I want Chael Sonnen to come and help us, I even spoke with him. I like him and admire his qualities. I recommended Sonnen to Henderson and he liked the idea, but Sonnen just fought and we will give him some time. We like wrestling very much and I believe this is what makes the difference regarding the cardio.”
