Kedzie Trains With Men, Says They KO Her

“I don’t think you can be world-class fighter without training with good training partners. Whether they’re male or female, I think you just have to have the right training partners. If you have a whole bunch of men, but they suck, then no, you’re not going to be a world-class fighter. If you have a whole bunch of women and they suck, you’re not going to be a world-class fighter. If you have a whole bunch of men that are really good, then you’ll probably rise to the occasion, likewise with women.”
“Their durability. You can hit a man pretty hard. They may say ‘ow’, but they probably won’t and that might be their ego. You can get a sense of how hard you can hit. It’s nice to go with someone that’s stronger than you. Many women are stronger than me as well, but it’s nice to go with someone that’s always stronger than me so that I can get a sense of how hard to go in an actual fight.”
“The only times I’ve been knocked out in training has been by men, not women. I would take the blame on myself for that because it wasn’t that they were going too hard for me. It was mostly they were going light and I was going too hard. It’s not that they would actually have too much pressure on me, but that I would slam into them.”
In a recent interview with’s Luke Thomas, Julie Kedzie, a retired UFC fighter, discussed the pro’s and con’s of training with the opposite sex.