Luke Rockhold: “I’m more of a man” Than Vitor Belfort
“I think my advantages is everywhere really. Vitor will always have fast hands, he has good power, but I pose a lot of problems myself. I’m a longer fighter, I have better kicks than him. I believe my advantages are on the ground, in wrestling, in the distance in the stand up. I have plenty of ways to win this fight. And most of all, I got more heart than Vitor. I think I’m more of a man than Vitor.”

“I think it’s a crock of s*** personally. I don’t understand it,” Luke said of Vitor’s TRT exemption. “I think Nevada set the standard for most of the other states. And it’s like the NBA and Baseball, if they travel overseas, they’re not going to be permitted to use steroids just because they’re overseas. I think it’s just crap. But at the same time, if they’re not going to punish him, I will. And I believe it hurts you in more ways than it helps you.”
While appearing on a recent edition of “The MMA Fight Corner” the last reigning Strikeforce middleweight champion, Luke Rockold, discussed his upcoming fight against Vitor Belfort.
Who takes this fight guys?