QUICK TWITT | Mendes, Lamas & Swanson Jockey For #1 Contender Slot

There are three viable contenders sitting right behind Jose Aldo waiting for a crack at the UFC’s featherweight champion.
Those men are Chad Mendes, Ricardo Lamas and Cub Swanson.
All three have a legit claim to challenge for the title and as such they took to twitter and discussed their case amongst each other.
Check it:
Alright @josealdojunior it's time for the rematch. I am the #1 contender…… period! Lets do this.
— chad mendes (@chadmendes) September 1, 2013
And If Aldo is hurt give me @RicardoLamasMMA we can prove #1. I'm game…r u?
— chad mendes (@chadmendes) September 1, 2013
@chadmendes I want my chance to fight Aldo which is something I feel I've earned, but if that can't happen you're the only person I'd fight.
— Ricardo Lamas (@RicardoLamasMMA) September 1, 2013
Featherweight tournament?! I'm down!
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) September 1, 2013
Come on @RicardoLamasMMA get off the bench and get in the mix
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) September 1, 2013
Come on @RicardoLamasMMA get off the bench and get in the mix
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) September 1, 2013