Rampage Jackson Explains What He Will Miss About The UFC | UFC NEWS

By BJPENN.COM News - January 25, 2013

“I will miss a lot of things. I will miss Bert Watson backstage. He’s funny; he’s cool to hang around. Honestly, if you are on Dana’s good side, he’s one of the coolest guys. Lorenzo Fertitta’s always been cool with me; and Frank. I will miss the good fans. When you’re walking back to the locker room, when you win, the fans are cheering you on.

“There are a lot of things about the UFC that I will miss.”

Rampage Jackson makes his last stand in the UFC tomorrow night. The former champion has emphatically stated over and over again that he will no longer fight for the UFC following tomorrow night’s bout and instead will pursue his fighting career other places.

In this interview with ESPN, Rampage gives a glimpse of what he will miss in the UFC.
