Report: UFC Heavyweight Del Rosario On Life Support, Not Expected To Live Past Tomorrow

By BJPENN.COM News - November 28, 2013

Unfortunately for his family, friends and MMA fans around the world, UFC heavyweight Shane Del Rosario has taken a turn for the worse since being admitted into the hospital following a Tuesday morning Catastrophic Cardiovascular Collapse.

No official word from the family has been given at this time, however BJPENN.COM has confirmed through sources that the Strikeforce import and former kickboxing heavyweight world champion has no brain activity and will or has been placed on life support so those closest can say their goodbyes.

Our deepest sympathies go out to everyone close to the fighter on this difficult day in MMA.


UFC President Dana White has sent out an R.I.P. tweet to Shane and his family and while we were first to report, other media outlets have now confirmed that we were accurate and unfortunately Shane’s time on this earth is very limited.

There has never been a time where I wished our reporting was wrong more than this instance.

We will continue updates as needed.
