Ronda Rousey Hits Instragram Heavy, Looks Like a Beast

UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey is going all out in training for her upcoming bout with Bethe Correia. The two are scheduled to meet in the main-event at UFC 190 in a grudge match that got personal when Correia brought up Rousey’s tragic family past.
Check out these photos of Rousey training for the fight. She is looking RIPPED!
There’s something inexplicably grungy and cool about training in a loose tank top @teamgfc #UFC190 #Aug1st #andSTILL
Getting ready to spar. #UFC190 camp week 3 for @RondaRousey @ArmbarNation #UFC190 #andSTILL
Double ended bag work. #UFC190 camp week 3 for @RondaRousey @ArmbarNation #UFC190 #andSTILL
#UFC190 camp week 3 for @RondaRousey @ArmbarNation #UFC190 #andSTILL
#UFC190 camp week 3 for @RondaRousey @ArmbarNation #UFC190 #andSTILL
Sparing started #UFC190 camp week 3 for @RondaRousey #UFC190 #andSTILL
Who do you have coming out on top at UFC 190? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!
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