Rory MacDonald Does Not Think GSP Is Done With Fighting

By BJPENN.COM News - November 26, 2013

“I don’t think he’s gone for good. But maybe he needs some time. People have no idea the kind of pressure it is to fight, and I have no idea what kind of pressure it to hold the belt for (six years). Before that he was headlining cards since he was younger than I am right now. That’s a lot of pressure. That’s a lot of interviews. That’s a lot of work, and the guy, he’s a machine. For someone to be able to do that, to carry a belt for that long, and to be a headliner for that long, it wears on you. He needs a break.”

While on yesterday’s edition of “The MMA Hour” top UFC welterweight, Rory MacDonald, discussed his thoughts on teammate and UFC welterweight champion, Georges St-Pierre.

The world has been clamoring to know the future of the sports biggest draw and if we are to believe MacDonald, the champ will return.

