Roufus Defends – “There’s two sides to every story”

By BJPENN.COM News - December 2, 2014


“Her gloves came off and she was hitting the guy, cut his face. No one told me this until after she had left after she visited our gym this spring for training. If there was such a problem with us, why did you stop by our gym to train?…In the past, I had to correct her to not hit other girls and other people at our gym. There’s two sides to every story.”

“They have a voice,” Roufus said of Namajunas, Barry and Schafer. “They have their fans. If people want to believe them, cool. You know what? I’m not here to make everyone happy. I’m only here to make the people who really love me happy. I’m not worried about enemies. I’m worried about supporters. And I’m sorry they feel that way.”

During Monday’s UFC Media Luncheon, Duke Roufus defended himself against recent acquisitions. (More on those HERE).

