Sonnen: ‘Aldo’s Injury Was A Bunch Of Crap’

By BJPENN.COM News - July 17, 2015

Chael P Sonnen

Chael Sonnen

Chael Sonnen and Brazilian fighters, they don’t really go together well. First it was Anderson Silva, then it Wanderlei Silva and now it’s Jose Aldo.

Sonnen isn’t one to hold back, so when asked about Jose Aldo he just let it rip. Check out what he had to say on ‘Off The Record’:

“Yea, I do. I want to be responsible with my words because a guy’s health comes first but that story is extremely fugazi. Two different x-rays came out. Five different stories came out. His coach says he doesn’t want to coach him anymore.

“Jose says he doesn’t want to be in the weight class anymore and his own teammate, after he injures him, goes on a media tour telling everybody how he did it. That was a weird, weird deal.”

“Well, our president Dana White is a gambler. I think he will gamble and throw down a bunch of money and try to put it together again. No, I don’t imagine … I don’t know why [Aldo and McGregor] would [fight]. It’s not going to be bigger than it just was [at UFC 189] and Jose just didn’t show up.

“What’s the expression? ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.’ Come on. Jose Aldo’s pulled out of five fights. The guy’s an excellent fighter. I’m not trying to kick a guy when he’s down, but that’s a bunch of crap what he just pulled.”

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