Tito’s Promise? ‘I’ll never talk about Cyborg vs. Rousey again’

Tito Ortiz won’t talk about Cyborg vs. Rousey anymore. Well, what are we supposed to do with ourselves now?
The former UFC champion and upcoming Bellator title challenger, Ortiz, recently took to Twitter and announced to the masses that he will no longer be standing on rooftops and yelling out ‘Rousey’s scared!’ So he didn’t say it like that, but you get the point. Ortiz insists he will no longer be talking about the fight, then he talked about the fight by saying that Cyborg can make the weight and the UFC should book the fight. With that, the mic dropped and Ortiz walked slowly into the sunset. Again, an over dramatized version of what happened, but oh well.
Check it out!
This is the last time I will talk about @RondaRousey vs @CrisCyborg Cris will make the weight so @DanaWhite make the fight happen! #4TheFans
— Tito Ortiz (@titoortiz) August 14, 2015
Is this the last time we’ll hear the words Rousey vs. Cyborg out of Ortiz’s mouth or will he return like a phoenix from the ashes even better and more equipped to push the fight forward than before. Only time will tell. RIP ‘Ortiz- Rousey vs. Cyborg talk’……..
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