UFC 193 Results: Joanna Jedrzejczyk defeats Valerie Letourneau via unanimous decision
The UFC 193 co-main event featured Strawweight champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk (10-0 MMA) defending her title against Canadian standout Valerie Letourneau (8-3 MMA).

Both fighters come out cautious. Letourneau catches a kick and takes Jedrzejczyk down. Joanna scrambles back to her feet. Joanna lands a big front kick to the face midway through the round. 30 seconds left and Jedrzejczyk lands another front kick to the face. Letourneau lands a head kick with 10 seconds left in the round.
Jedrzejczyk is looking more comfortable this round, popping Letourneau with a jab. Some even exchanges in the center of the Octagon ending with Letourneau catching a kick and clinching Joanna against the cage. Joanna lands some short elbows and they split. Back in the center of the Octagon, Letourneau looking calm as she catches another kick. Letourneau starting to find her range, landing several clean crosses.
Letourneau comes out quick in the third round. They trade combinations before Letourneau clinches against the fence. They break and exchange combinations in the center of the Octagon, but nothing lands clean. Jedrzejczyk lands a front kick to the face of Letourneau once again followed by a front kick to the body which Letourneau answers with a front kick of her own. Letourneau catches a kick but is unable to do anything with it. The pair exchanges combinations with Joanna getting the better of the exchanges. The round ends as we can’t help but point out the swelling on the left leg of Letourneau.
Letourneau’s corner calling for the takedown between rounds, but Joanna comes out quick with a flurry. Letourneau catches a kick and looks for a takedown but gives it up. Jedrzejczyk lands a nice cross, but Letourneau fires back with a body kick that lands clean. Midway through the round and still no takedown from Letourneau. Another pair of body kicks from Letourneau lands, both on the liver. Letourneau appears to be finding tremendous success with the liver kick throughout the fight. More leg kicks from Jedrzejczyk followed by a cross, but Letourneau presses forward. Letourneau still not checking any leg kicks as the bruising and swelling get worse. Joanna lands a quick flurry that lands clean. Letourneau only seems mildly fazes as the round comes to a close.
They both come out quick in the 5th, Joanna landing another 1-2 flurry finished off by yet another leg kick. They trade glancing blows in the center of the Octagon throughout the first half of the round. Letourneau catches a kick but is unable to do anything with it. Joanna lands a cross with just over 2 minutes left in the 5th and final round. Letourneau’s face and left leg are quite swollen. Letourneau checks a kick finally before catching a kick. Less than a minute left in the fight and Joanna gets poked in the eye. The referee calls timeout but Joanna assures him she’s okay. 30 seconds left and Joanna lands a check left hook before landing another leg kick. The fight ends and they shake hands.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk defeats Valerie Letourneau via unanimous decision (49-26, 49-46, 50-45)