UFN 81 Results: Francisco Trinaldo defeats Ross Pearson via decision
A lightweight bout between Ross Pearson (18-10 MMA) and Francisco Trinaldo (19-4 MMA) kicked off tonight’s ‘UFC Fight Night 81’ main card in Boston.

Round one begins and both men exchange low kicks. Trinaldo throws a front kick to the body. Pearson responds with a leg kick followed by a head kick that is blocked. Trinaldo throws a lead left that misses. Pearson is stalking him. Big body kick by Ross. Good left from Francisco. He tries a head kick but just misses. Person throws some kicks. Another big head kick that misses from Trinaldo. Pearson responds with a body kick and then a right hand. Leg kick from Ross. Good left jab lands for Trinaldo and then a knee. Good right hand by Pearson. Both men throw and miss head kicks. Head kick from Trinaldo is blocked by Pearson. Another high kick gets through for Trinaldo who ends the round by slamming Pearson.
Round two begins and Ross is fighting to get inside. He does but Trinaldo gets off with a right hand and retreats. Good body kick from the Brazilian. Pearson lands a leg kick. He follows with a bod kick. Ross is able to score a well timed takedown. Good right hand from the top by Pearson, but Trinaldo scrambles and gets to his feet. Spinning back kick partially lands fro Pearson. Good combo from Trinaldo followed by a big knee. Another knee. Pearson tags him back with an uppercut. Good elbow from the clinch lands for Trinaldo. This is a grueling fight. The fighters separate. Big kick to the body for Francisco. Another head kick partially lands for the Brazilian. Good lefts by both fighters. Round two end with the fighters battling in the clinch position.
Round three begins and Pearson is bring the pressure. He throws a high kick. Trinaldo fires back with a right that hurts Pearson. Good shots from the Brazilian who shoots in for the takedown. Ross is able to defend and they separate. Pearson is bleeding out of his left eye. Trinaldo misses with some bombs. Pearson connects with a high kick that was partially blocked by Trinaldo. The Brazilian responds with one of his own but Ross catches the kick and takes him down. Leg lock attempts fails for Trinaldo who gets back to his feet off the scramble. Ross is applying the pressure but missing his strikes. Good knee from Trinaldo. Pearson responds with a body kick. The fighters engage in the clinch for a moment. Final seconds and Ross tries one final head kick but misses.
Francisco Trinaldo defeats Ross Pearson via decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)